Anthony Sattin

The remarkable Princess Gulbadan, flower of the Mughal court

2 March 2024 9:00 am

Emperor Babur’s beloved daughter – whose name means ‘body like a rose’ – speaks to us across the centuries in a cliffhanging account of royal life in Hindustan

How the barbarians of the steppes shaped civilisation

12 August 2023 9:00 am

The nomadic tribes of Central Asia eventually created vast empires that changed not only their own world but western history, says Kenneth W. Harl

The battle for the Nile

4 March 2023 9:00 am

The explorers’ journey to solve the great geographical puzzle of the Victorian age, and the bad blood it resulted in, is described in gripping detail by Candice Millard

Were the Ottoman Turks as European as they thought themselves?

20 November 2021 9:00 am

This is the best of times to be writing history, since so much of what has been taken for granted,…

The empire that sprang from nowhere under the banner of Islam

29 May 2021 9:00 am

When the British formed the basis of their empire in the 1600s by acquiring territories in India and North America,…

Marina Warner becomes her mother’s ‘shabti’

24 April 2021 9:00 am

There comes a time after the death of parents when grief subsides, the sense of loss eases, and you, the…

Lives of luxury for Sparta’s women

4 July 2020 9:00 am

History is full of ‘ifs’ and the Spartan story fuller than most. If the 300 had not made their famous…

Dreaming of the desert: my life in the Sahara, by Sanmao

24 January 2020 10:00 pm

Travel writing is ‘the red light district of literature’, as Colin Thubron aptly put it, a space where anything goes.…

William Dalrymple has nailed the East India Company for what it was: ‘a supreme act of corporate violence’

14 September 2019 9:00 am

A boardful of company directors are summoned to explain themselves to a Whitehall select committee. The Bank of England has…

The final fanfare for the caliphs before the coming of the Mongol hordes. A manuscript miniature from al-Hariri’s Maqamat, showing the caliph’s mounted standard bearers

The Arabs before Islam: a rich, exotic history

30 March 2019 9:00 am

In his first book, published in 1977, Tim Mackintosh-Smith described mentioning the idea of travelling to Yemen while studying Arabic…

Map of West Africa, c.1547, depicting the trading fortress of São Jorge da Mina on the African Gold Coast.

The scramble for Africa goes back many centuries

26 January 2019 9:00 am

A thought kept recurring as I read Toby Green’s fascinating and occasionally frustrating book on the development of West Africa…

The battle of Lepanto, October 1571

From Barbary corsairs to people-traffickers: the violence of the Mediterranean

30 May 2015 9:00 am

The Mediterranean has always been central to European civilisation — and a source of drama and conflict, says Anthony Sattin

A treasure-trove of grisly Arab tales may appeal more to an Isis fighter than your average British reader

13 December 2014 9:00 am

The marvellous tales of the title are not just confined to the contents of this book, for the travels and…

American Smoke, by Iain Sinclair - review

23 November 2013 9:00 am

If you have read Iain Sinclair’s books you will know that he is a stylist with a love of language.…