Flat White

In-depth analysis of the day’s news, plus stories and gossip from Australian politics.

The D10: decoupling from China

23 July 2020 5:00 am

God knows there has not been much good news of any sort in 2020, so whatever there is deserves wider…

Coronavirus and the public toilet theory of human behaviour

22 July 2020 7:04 pm

Looking around the world, some of the nations first hit by Covid-19 are well on the road to economic recovery…

Peter Ridd and James Cook University: the Federal Court delivers a devastating blow against free speech

22 July 2020 4:37 pm

The Federal Court has devastating blow against mainstream Australians, against freedom of speech and against freedom of speech on climate…

Official: “Sport Australia has not defined the term ‘woman'”

22 July 2020 1:00 pm

Should women and girls have to share change rooms and toilets with people with male genitals? Is it okay for…

The other virus

22 July 2020 5:00 am

The barbarians are not at the gate.  The barbarians are manning the gate.  And they decide who gets in and who stays in. …

Smoke clouding the judgement of health bureaucrats

21 July 2020 7:05 pm

There was a deafening roar last week caused by Australia’s tobacco control experts congratulating themselves on the latest national smoking results. You…

COVIDSafe is grossly flawed – an update

21 July 2020 5:00 pm

You read about it first in the SpecOz back on April 28 when I outlined the obvious limitations of the…

Is Dan Andrews using coronavirus as cover for war on the self-employed

21 July 2020 3:05 pm

Does Victorian Premier Dan Andrews’ want to make being your own boss illegal? There’s mounting evidence. With the second big…

Mad F***ing Boycotts

21 July 2020 1:04 pm

“There’s no such thing as cancel culture,” scream wide-eyed mad witches atop their broomsticks while simultaneously insisting that all middle-aged…

On radical centralism

21 July 2020 5:00 am

It’s an interesting point in time when a non-ideological and non-partisan stance becomes radical. That seems to be the point…

Sorry Alan, but Modern Monetary Theory is a load of cobblers

20 July 2020 4:49 pm

Alan Kohler considers the current crisis provides the ideal laboratory for applying the catchily titled Modern Monetary Theory — MMT. …

Coronavirus can’t stop crazy social policies in Danandrewstan

20 July 2020 1:01 pm

Victoria’s new race-based parliament, The First Nation’s Assembly of Victoria, has voted overwhelmingly to adopt a resolution to establish a ‘Truth-Telling…

Who killed Red Pill lawyer Marc Angelucci – and why?

20 July 2020 10:45 am

On the Saturday before last, July 11, just before 4 pm, my dear and wonderful friend Marc Angelucci was at…

Better targeted coronavirus cash is needed to avoid worse economic contagion

20 July 2020 5:00 am

Tapering — rather than topping up — income support is key to sustainably and compassionately backing Australia’s vulnerable households and…

Gentleness is much needed in our restless world

19 July 2020 4:44 pm

On a solitary walk, I encountered two families.   The parents in the first family were upbraiding their daughter —…

Here is a coronavirus update from your friendly public health experts

19 July 2020 1:52 pm

Hello. We’re from the government: And we’re here to confuse help you: Illustration: Katja Motion Picture Corporation/Krevoy/Stabler/Wessler Production/New Line Cinema.…

The self-interested inconsistencies of the RMIT-ABC Fact Check unit

19 July 2020 5:00 am

Two years ago the opposition was pushing a the-government-has-cut-funding line for aged care. It was a lie, of course, and,…

Australia is out of touch with world tobacco harm reduction policy

17 July 2020 5:06 pm

At least in the United States and Australia, the systems of government are similar. Barring parliament and constitutional monarchism, both…

How coronavirus is killing small business – and threatening our values

17 July 2020 1:32 pm

The heart of the Australian way of life is under threat with small businesses fighting for survival as lockdown restrictions…

What’s racist this week?

17 July 2020 11:30 am

Your woke correspondent has emerged this week from hibernation into the light of a brave new Wokeworld where white people are clambering over…

Lauren Southern: keep the theatre of cancel culture off the Australian political stage

17 July 2020 5:00 am

Earlier last year I stepped away from politics in a bid to focus on family. What most people didn’t know…

We must resuscitate our near-flatline economy

16 July 2020 7:01 pm

The performance of the economy was weak before COVID-19, and now it is perilously close to flat-lining. In particular, business…

China, ‘consequences’ have consequences of their own

16 July 2020 5:48 pm

The Chinese leadership, through their mouthpieces in their embassies in Canberra, London and Washington, are these days mouthing veiled and…

EXCLUSIVE: Ripping off Clinton fits the bill for flailing Albo?

16 July 2020 12:30 pm

Don’t stop thinking about tomorrow. Or about how you can hold on to your job, anyway, if you happened to…

Australia can’t hit smoking targets by going cold-turkey

16 July 2020 10:30 am

Australia has tried gums, patches, sprays, high excise taxes, and plain packaging. But for the last decade, Australia has collectively…