Tax havens

Who decided that keeping money in ‘paradise’ is a crime? We should all thank havens

11 November 2017 9:00 am

Maybe we should blame John Grisham. In his breakthrough best-seller The Firm, the young lawyer Mitch, played by Tom Cruise…

Another year, another tax leak – and the usual annual festival of hypocrisy

11 November 2017 9:00 am

Stories about members of the establishment using offshore tax shelters — ooh er missus! — come along about once a…

The chief executives who volunteer for pay cuts

16 April 2016 9:00 am

Boss cuts The chief executive of the Co-operative Group, Richard Pennycock, asked for a pay cut, saying his job had…

How to make the rich pay more tax

9 April 2016 9:00 am

The 11 million documents leaked from Panama lawyers Mossack Fonseca tell us much that we know already. It’s hardly news…

Hate tax havens? Try imagining a world without them

9 April 2016 9:00 am

However wicked tax evasion is and however distasteful some tax avoidance may be, people should imagine a world without tax…

Any other business: The friends of Putin taking home gold from the Sochi Olympics

22 February 2014 9:00 am

Imagine if the BBC’s excitable commentators had been asked to cover the building of Sochi’s facilities, rather than the Winter…