Australian Books

In praise of Ming

5 October 2013

9:00 AM

5 October 2013

9:00 AM

A Smile for My Parents Heather Henderson

Allen & Unwin, pp.227, $29.99, ISBN: 9781743315705

At the end of this affectionate memoir of Sir Robert and Dame Pattie Menzies, Heather Henderson recognises some might see it as a hagiography: ‘After all, this is about my beloved parents.’ No reader should be deterred; the book has too many treasures to be so regarded.

A decade ago, a son-in-law had encouraged her to write about ‘the real Bob Menzies, the human side of the political figure’.

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J.D. Nethercote is adjunct professor at the Public Policy Institute, Australian Catholic University. He is mentioned in the acknowledgements, but did not see the text of this book until it was published.

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