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Birmingham Royal Ballet and the Royal Ballet battle for the heart of English dance

Ismene Brown assesses their attempts to revive two unfashionable but vital choreographers Frederick Ashton and Robert Helpmann

1 November 2014

9:00 AM

1 November 2014

9:00 AM

Scènes de ballet, Five Brahms Waltzes in the Manner of Isadora Duncan, Symphonic Variations, A Month in the Country

Royal Ballet, until 12 November

Shadows of War

Birmingham Royal Ballet

English ballet erupted out of the second world war in the hands of the rival choreographers Frederick Ashton and Robert Helpmann, colleagues but of different instincts, one for dance, the other for drama. The case is currently being made for each by the Royal Ballet and Birmingham Royal Ballet.

But how to revive the sensations and imaginings of the 1940s? It was long before most of us were even born, and more than any other art form ballet is dependent on evoking memory, atmospheres, intangible associations.

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