
Sophia Duleep Singh: from socialite to socialist

Anita Anand tells the story of an unlikely suffragette

24 January 2015

9:00 AM

24 January 2015

9:00 AM

Sophia: Princess, Suffragette, Revolutionary Anita Anand

Bloomsbury, pp.418, £20

Princess Sophia Alexandrovna Duleep Singh (1876–1948) had a heritage as confusing as her name. Her father was a deposed Indian maharajah who had been exiled to England, her mother the Cairo-born illegitimate daughter of a German merchant and an Abyssinian slave. The young princess was brought up in considerable splendour on a vast Suffolk estate as a thoroughly anglicised aristocrat who would be presented at court and become an enthusiastic participant in the Season before unexpectedly joining the battle for women’s suffrage.

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