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The plight of the migrant: Crossed Lines, by Marie Darrieussecq, reviewed

5 December 2020

9:00 AM

5 December 2020

9:00 AM

Crossed Lines Marie Darrieussecq, translated from French by Penny Hueston

Text Publishing, pp.288, 10.99

‘We should be living in a brave country and on a brave planet that bravely distributes its occupants,’ thinks Rose Goyenetche, a middle-class, middle-aged Parisian child psychologist and the heroine of Marie Darrieussecq’s Crossed Lines.

The story unfolds on a Mediterranean cruise ship, where Rose is holidaying in a deluxe cabin (‘that is, economy class’) on an all-inclusive-without-alcohol-without-wifi package sponsored by her mother as a chance for Rose to get some perspective on her life.

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