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Flat White

Why governments secretly love our crazy house and assets boom

1 March 2021

6:08 PM

1 March 2021

6:08 PM

There’s no inflation.  The experts tell us so. 

The Clerics of Martin Place, our highly paid monetary gurus at the Reserve Bank, have declared that there is negligible inflation in Australia.  Here is their most recent inflation chart, up to 28 January 2021: 

As can be seen from their analysis, for the last 5 or so years, inflation has been sub2% and even briefly dipped to close to 0% (presumably) around the time of the first major Covid shock. 

But hang on.  According to the CBA: 

[The] property housing market is on the verge of a boom and property prices are expected to rise as much as 16 per cent over the next two years.

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