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Must we always be treated as infants by a monstrous regiment of scolds?

3 April 2021

9:00 AM

3 April 2021

9:00 AM

Stop Bloody Bossing Me About: How We Need To Stop Being Told What to Do Quentin Letts

Constable, pp.240, 16.99

What an awful title. Something we hacks are forever saying (along with ‘Make mine a double’ and ‘Is it still plagiarism if I change the names and set it in Singapore rather than Sheffield?’) is: ‘WE DON’T WRITE THE HEADLINES.’ How much worse, then, when it’s a book, and such an excellent one to boot: a right robust romp of a read — short but perfectly formed essays on how everything from bats to Best Picture has been weaponised by the monstrous regiment of modern scolds.

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