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The long arm of police corruption

Tom Harper exposes deep-grained criminality at the Met, including actively assisting violent offenders and stealing thousands from the public purse

19 November 2022

9:00 AM

19 November 2022

9:00 AM

Broken Yard: The Fall of the Metropolitan Police Tom Harper

Biteback, pp.480, 20

Are all institutions basically corrupt? If company directors snaffle pencils from the stationery cupboard for their own use, are they corrupt? Is there a sliding scale of corruption, from ‘whatever’, through to ‘well I wouldn’t do it myself’, all the way to ‘summon the rozzers’? And does it matter what the organisation is? Is it worse to steal from your employer if you work for Nestlé or for Oxfam? Are some small corruptions are basically all right?

Of course if we accept the small corruptions, the bigger ones creep in at the edges.

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