The re-write of Australia: straight out of the Marxist-Leninist handbook
Isn’t it about time we start demanding of our taxpayer media why they are subtly driving the Aboriginalisation of this…
Has Australia lost its collective mind with the Voice?
The Voice is probably the greatest confidence tricks ever attempted to be played on the Australian people. Why would any…
The Voice is a deception of monstrous proportions
What is really driving the Yes vote? Does anybody properly understand the proposition, or are they so consumed with white…
Naivety threatens Australia’s future: the danger of racial bureaucracies is real
The naivety of so many well-meaning commentators conveniently glossing over the racial nature of the Voice proposal in the Uluru…
The Voice: undermining democracy and empowering the elite
A constitutionally enshrined uniquely Aboriginal organisation will do nothing to solve the ongoing problems of marginalisation and social dysfunction in…