Tinker, tailor, Abbott – spy?
Our non-cisgendered prominent political personage from the Progressive Canberra Cadre writes: GULAG’s confidence in the public service has been reinforced by…
ScoMal goes green to GULAG glee
Our non-cisgendered prominent political personage from the Progressive Canberra Cadre writes: The exhilaration! CBD’s Christmases (oops seasons) are coming early. Just…
CBD: climate rallies and the useful idiots of the wokers’ paradise
Our non-cisgendered prominent political personage from the Progressive Canberra Cadre writes: As ScoMo jetted off to dine with — CBD can…
GULAG aghast at Wayne Swan’s gender surrender
Our non-cisgendered prominent political personage from the Progressive Canberra Cadre writes: Swannie got his election analysis half right about why…
GULAG says: you go, Gladys!
The non-cis-gendered Individual Number One of the Canberra Cadre writes: Yet again CBD is heartened by to see the hard…
With woke corporates we soon won’t need elections
Non Cis-Gendered Individual Number One of the Canberra Cadre writes: Talk about ‘useful idiots’! CBD and his/her/zi GULAG fellow travellers…
Constitutional recognition? Cathartic for conservatives, a gift for GULAG
Brother Number One of the Canberra Cadre writes: Why does GULAG need to win elections when SM’s team does all…
Malcolm Turnbull’s a more effective opposition than the GULAG gang
Brother Number One of the Canberra Cadre writes: The first week of Parliament has been an unmitigated disaster. Bob Hawke,…
GULAG, rejoice: ministers will still do what we public servants tell them to
Our peeved yet perspicacious political insider writes exclusively: The humiliation of Election19 will reach its zenith as the 46th Parliament…
The CBD goes Dark MoFo, as do the Tassie Libs on debts
Our peeved yet perspicacious political insider writes exclusively: The rigours of CBD’s arduous employment in the Public Service combined with…
GULAG needs a new environmental scare campaign
Our peeved yet perspicacious political insider writes exclusively: Pretend environmental consciousness is what GULAG – the Greens, unions, Labor and…
The CBD returns with low-emission bright sparks for these dark days
Our peeved yet perspicacious political insider writes exclusively: As CBD slowly recognises the need to reconcile oneself to the fact…
ScoMo’s Mal-formed ministry
Our peeved yet perspicacious political insider writes exclusively: CBD never contemplated recovery could occur so rapidly (physically, in the head,…
CBD: and now for the AA meetings
Our peeved yet perspicacious political insider writes exclusively: Excessive self-medication in the wake, if not at the wake, of the…
CBD: the people – ugh – have spoken
Our perspicacious political insider writes exclusively: CBD never understood how many nerve endings are ensconced in one’s sconce. CBD’s election…
CBD: it’s GULAG for government with SM stalled
Our perspicacious political insider writes exclusively: After today it’s virtually over. CBD is emotionally exhausted. The worry, the panic of…
Now ScoMo goes the GULAG on ‘freedom’?
Our perspicacious political insider writes exclusively: With three days to go there is still the frightful prospect of SM campaigning…
How the ‘Australian Greens’ part is letting down the GULAG
While CBD’s confidence of a GULAG victory is growing by the day, one does need to express disappointment with the…
Stay schtum, GULAGs: ScoMo’s Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae will win it for us
Our perspicacious political insider writes exclusively: CBD has consistently been warning GULAG not to go overboard. The Fabian approach is…
CBD: The GULAG’s got this, so all must have prizes
Our perspicacious political insider writes exclusively: Election 19 is crawling to the business end. This time next week CBD predicts…
Time to drop the binary bulldust and proudly proclaim ‘Happy Acknowledgement Day’?
Our perspicacious political insider writes exclusively: CBD reluctantly admits to some recidivist traits. One is love of parents. Given Mot—-…
He’ll get by with a little help from his friends
Our perspicacious political insider writes exclusively: CBD knows it’s Red Shield Appeal week, but instead wants to say Thank God…
CBD: Don’t Simon Birmingham and co know handshakes are bourgeois and condescending?
Our perspicacious political insider writes exclusively: What is it about handshakes? GULAG supporters recall with horror the 2004 Latham /Howard…
CBD: If the hard right would just shut up we could all live in peace and harmony
Our perspicacious political insider writes exclusively: Activism is to be celebrated, as is making a stand. Indeed BS’s mentor (Scally…
Throwing eggs is free speech at its best, but Israel Folau peddles fear and superstition
Our perspicacious political insider writes exclusively: It’s always pleasing when one’s opponents miss an opportunity. Especially when it is a…