Sir Kim Darroch failed to recognise Trump’s communicative genius
When I last talked to Sir Kim Darroch, he was a slim young private secretary, so it was a long…
Thankfully, the world is waking up to the threat of China
The Cabinet Secretary, Sir Mark Sedwill, is offering to meet Jeremy Corbyn about the Times story last week which reported…
Boris’s big mistake? Agreeing to the BBC debate
Boris and his team made a mistake by agreeing to take part in Tuesday’s BBC leadership debate. In such decisions,…
The silliness of ‘serious’ leaders
You would think it would be unarguable that ‘Serious times demand a serious leader’. This, with small verbal variations, is…
My profoundly impractical, unquenchably generous, thoroughly benevolent father
My father Richard, who died last month aged 88, was a profoundly impractical man. He could not drive a car,…
The strangeness of Jeremy Hunt’s leadership campaign
Jeremy Hunt’s approach is very odd. It is the first time I remember an aspirant for the top job saying:…
If you’re going to leave Notre Dame in ruins, why not set fire to Oxford University?
Almost everyone agrees it is a pity that so few pupils from ‘disadvantaged socioeconomic backgrounds’ get into Oxford. But no…
What would happen if the Gospels were judged in a history contest?
This week, the Wolfson History Prize announced its shortlist. It is always worth drawing attention to, precisely because it is…
The logic behind Theresa May’s late move to Labour
There is a logic in Mrs May’s late move to Labour. It is the same logic by which both parties,…
Theresa May and Jeremy Corbyn both want to frustrate Brexit
There is a logic in Theresa May’s late move to Labour. It is the same logic by which both parties,…
The obvious solution to the problem of Brexit
There is an obvious solution to the Brexit problem. It is based on a recognition that we want out and…
We should celebrate Mueller’s exoneration of Trump
It is worth rejoicing at Robert Mueller’s exoneration of the president, even if you do not like Donald Trump. Wherever…
Britain’s fate now lies in the hands of Angela Merkel
Angela Merkel says disdainfully, ‘I admit I was not on top of the British parliament’s 17th-century procedural rules.’ Her implication…
Leadership requires imagination, but Theresa May has never displayed any
I had forgotten, until I checked this week, that Mrs May timed the general election of June 2017 in order…
Artists are not always good people, but should their work really be boycotted?
A kind billionaire called Jeremy Hosking, whom I do not know personally, has invited us to join the Britannia Express,…
Corbyn’s handling of Brexit has been magnificently opportunistic
Jeremy Corbyn never ceases to attack Mrs May for trying to run down the clock. She has certainly done that,…
Carrying cash is becoming a minority occupation like smoking
The BBC reported on Tuesday that the proposed closure of Honda’s plant at Swindon was largely caused by the prospect…
It turns out I sound much cleverer in French
On Tuesday, Le Monde published a piece it had commissioned from me to explain why, from a British point of…
The genius of Titania McGrath
I am in a small minority in turning off the news when it is not about Brexit. The slow, agonising…
The EU’s hard-border bluff will soon collapse – and then it can get serious about Brexit
The House of Commons does work better than it seems to, I promise you. When a big subject comes up,…
When ‘politician’ is the biggest insult of them all
This column has laughed before at the BBC’s satirical wit in having a slot called ‘Reality Check’ on Brexit. If…
In defence of unicorns
The scale of the government’s defeat on Mrs May’s deal is, as everyone keeps saying, amazing — yet also not.…
Behind the story of Anna Soubry being called a Nazi lies a classic Brexit sequence of events
Behind the incident of Anna Soubry being called a Nazi by a small group of Leave yobs beside College Green…
When it comes to champagne, the English are on the French’s coattails
Earlier this month, the Quorn and Cottesmore hunts took separate votes on merging. The Quorn voted for, the Cottesmore against.…