Daniel Wild

ScoMo, scrap Snowy 2.0

6 September 2018 2:07 pm

Only politicians could think it’s a good idea to spend billions of dollars pumping water uphill to generate electricity in…

What we can learn from tax cuts and Trump

13 August 2018 8:35 am

The Trump administration’s liberalisation of the United States economy has seen growth accelerate to four per cent for the second…

Tax cuts? What tax cuts?

22 June 2018 5:56 pm

The government has pulled a switfy. They’ve got everyone thinking they are going to cut taxes. They aren’t. Taxes are…

It’s not just tax and spend but tax and lie

24 May 2018 7:50 am

If Scott Morrison and Malcolm Turnbull were corporate CEOs, they’d be done for misleading and deceptive conduct. They claim that…

A good idea from the Turnbull government

21 November 2017 11:29 am

Another day, another idea from the Turnbull government. But at least this time it’s a good one. In an address…

Failure atop failure: Turnbull’s NEG

13 November 2017 7:06 am

The government’s National Energy Guarantee is not the knockout blow in Australia’s energy wars. Rather, it marks a continuation of…

WA Labor’s uranium ban sells the state short

14 September 2016 7:41 am

According to WA Labor’s Plan for Jobs, ‘a McGowan Labor Government will free business from the burden of poor regulations’.…