Chairman Mao wiped out the sparrows, Chairman Dan will purge the ronas…
In a bold attempt to prove his worthiness and loyalty to Chinese strongman XiXi The Pooh, Chairman Daniel Andrews issued…
Uproar in Danandrewstan: the inside story (or not)
The following is a transcript of an interview with Chairman Dan Andrews conducted by Fake News late on Sunday evening…
Drew Pavlou: “We know what we are doing. We learned from Tiananmen.”
The suspension of University of Queensland student, Drew Pavlou, was announced late last week following the decision of a disciplinary tribunal set up by the University’s…
And in news just in from the People’s Republic of Victoria…
Dissidents in the PRV have released advance drafts of a letter, written by Chairman Andrews to President Xi, to celebrate…
Believing ‘all women’ is a right-wing trap?
In a New York Times article last week, leading left-wing thinker Susan Faludi declared that the hashtag #BelieveWomen does not…