Gavin Mortimer

Can Macron halt the rise of Islamic extremism?

25 February 2020 1:51 am

Emmanuel Macron has unveiled his plan to combat the rise of Islamic extremism in France. Stressing that his fight was…

British police must learn from France in dealing with Extinction Rebellion

19 February 2020 10:06 pm

I’ve always been a fan of the French police, in part because when I lived in the south of the…

We should be wary of our spooks’ complacency about Huawei

30 January 2020 2:49 am

I might be feeling more confident about the government’s decision to give Huawei a limited role in building Britain’s 5G…

Whatever happened to ‘Je Suis Charlie’?

10 January 2020 10:56 pm

Five years on from the horrific Charlie Hebdo massacre in which a dozen people lost their lives, politicians have been busy…

Islamists have opened a terrifying new front in their war with France

6 January 2020 11:51 pm

France has endured an appalling series of Islamist terror attacks in recent years. One might feel a sense of relief…

Corbyn may be a goner but his ideology is as strong as ever

27 December 2019 6:00 pm

East Germans had a name for their version of ‘woke’ culture’; it was Zersetzung, or ‘decomposition’ in English. It was…

France, not Britain, is the real angry and divided nation

23 December 2019 8:00 pm

Remember when Boris Johnson met Emmanuel Macron for the first time as Prime Minister? It was in August and, as…

My fear about the next generation of jihadists

2 December 2019 11:19 pm

I’ve just finished reading William Manchester’s absorbing memoir about the Pacific War. ‘Goodbye Darkness’ is a reminder of just how…

Boris could learn from Macron’s approach to extremism

16 November 2019 8:00 pm

Boris Johnson and Emmanuel Macron have more in common than just a desire to ‘get Brexit done’. The pair also…

Poppy-wearing politicians must do more to help war heroes

9 November 2019 1:35 am

It will be a sight for sore eyes on Sunday when leaders of the two main parties lay their wreaths…

Emmanuel Macron will regret his failure to crack down on Islamists

8 October 2019 1:11 am

It beggars belief that Mickaël Harpon was employed as a computer expert in the intelligence department at police HQ in…

Labour is following in the doomed footsteps of the French left

27 September 2019 7:57 pm

The left no longer exists as a coherent political force in France. Embarrassed in the 2017 presidential election, the Socialist…

The French city zones where police rarely escape unscathed

12 September 2019 7:11 pm

In December 2015, Donald Trump claimed parts of the French capital were no-go zones for the police. ‘Paris is no…

The strange love-in between Michel Houellebecq and Emmanuel Macron

12 January 2019 9:00 am

France’s literary event of the year took place this week with the publication of Michel Houellebecq’s new novel, Serotonin. Named…

The gilets jaunes have become a symbol of resistance worn with pride by the downtrodden

8 December 2018 9:00 am

I met a friend for lunch in Paris last Sunday. He and his wife had come up from the countryside…

Is Emmanuel Macron having a meltdown?

10 November 2018 9:00 am

Emmanuel Macron was elated when France won the World Cup in July. The photograph of him leaping out of his…

Why French kids don’t get fat – and British ones do

20 October 2018 9:00 am

A decade ago a book called French Women Don’t Get Fat took the Anglophone world by storm. It was a…

How gentlemen supplanted hooligans in football

7 July 2018 9:00 am

Most British sports fans are familiar with the maxim that ‘football is a game for gentlemen played by hooligans, and…

Macron’s Thatcher moment has arrived

7 April 2018 9:00 am

The honeymoon is over for Emmanuel Macron. His first 11 months in office have been something of a breeze —…

Is Macron’s vanity presidency already falling apart?

29 July 2017 9:00 am

The French president’s embarrassing attempts to reinvent himself as the new Tony Blair are not working

Who dares lies: why do so many men pretend to have been in the SAS?

18 July 2015 9:00 am

Why do so many men (including Sir Christopher Lee) fib about serving with the SAS?