The new religion of diversity
Equity is merely Marx without the beard
Australian notes
A Guide to Understanding this Pandemic We are all living through the worst inroads on our freedoms and civil liberties…
The Peter Ridd case: am I missing something?
Yesterday’s piece by Graham Young on the Peter Ridd High Court case got me thinking. Not about Young’s thesis that…
Misjudging our Constitution
Judicial activists invented the right to invalidate laws
Why the Twits cannot be taken seriously
Did you see the recent Pew surveys in the United States about Twitter? Twitter users make up under a tenth…
Pravda rides again
The press is becoming unfree
ScoMo is no Marcus Aurelius
Fans of Outsiders – Sky’s best current affairs program – will recall Ross Cameron and his love of the great Roman Emperor…
Fight to win or don’t fight at all
Here are a few quick thoughts on the Christian Porter saga. First, though, let me say bluntly what regular SpecOz…
So have the Republicans really turned away from Trump?
The right-of-centre fights back
A cynical Budget devoid of principles or beliefs
What’s the point of voting for the Liberals?
Sic ’em, Triggs!
Let’s sool the Human Rights Commissions onto the Woke
Abandon all principles ye who enter the Libs
Morrison’s ‘pragmatism’ is destroying conservatism
Good government needs a good opposition
Here’s a quick point more than a few people overlook. What a government can and cannot do politically depends in…
Unpacking racism
Looks like we’re all racists, now
Professional sports are the wokest of them all
How activism is destroying sports and sports journalism
Christine Holgate is a victim of Scott Morrison’s lack of principle, not her gender
My take on the current Christine Holgate saga is a bit pendulum-like. I thought, and think, that the furore over…
Counter-factual history
Five ‘sliding doors’ elections
Australian notes
Time for a new centre-right party? Don’t you find it odd that many of the people now clamouring for some…
Save the last dance for Scott
Will the Libs ever remember who ‘brung them to the dance’?
Five questions before you dare lock us down again
How a leader who cares about civil liberties must act in a pandemic
Josh with the dosh
Celebrating GDP growth is a nonsense
Hoist with their own petards
Let me be clear. One either believes in basic natural justice and procedural fairness protections or one does not. If you…
Prisoner diary
My time in hotel quarantine
The decline of Arts and Humanities
A massive ‘fail’ to our Anglosphere universities
The virus made us do it
Let’s be honest. Mr Morrison and the Coalition right now are offering us all the sort of interventionist, huge spending,…