Cosy catastrophe
When I was a child in the 1970s, the two big excitements of the run-up to Christmas were first the…
How I learned to embrace my inner toff
I do hope it’s a terrible winter this year: a total bastard where everyone’s snowed into their drives and those…
How I learned to embrace my inner toff
I do hope it’s a terrible winter this year: a total bastard where everyone’s snowed into their drives and those…
Faulty ignition
Apart from the next Game of Thrones, there’s nothing I’ve been looking forward to quite as much as The Grand…
Faulty ignition
Apart from the next Game of Thrones, there’s nothing I’ve been looking forward to quite as much as The Grand…
The moral arc of the universe bends towards me
So I made £250 betting on Trump to win the presidency. It would have been more, except that every time…
The moral arc of the universe bends towards me
So I made £250 betting on Trump to win the presidency. It would have been more, except that every time…
Crown jewels
Nairobi. February 1952. Laughing children brandishing sticks are driving an indignant bustle of ostriches up a rudimentary 1950s-Africa semi-bush runway…
Crown jewels
Nairobi. February 1952. Laughing children brandishing sticks are driving an indignant bustle of ostriches up a rudimentary 1950s-Africa semi-bush runway…
Hell is other people’s dogs
I’ve now just about reached that delightful stage in life where you’re no longer exposed to the horrors of other…
Hell is other people’s dogs
I’ve now just about reached that delightful stage in life where you’re no longer exposed to the horrors of other…
The lying game
‘Adam Curtis believed that 200,000 Guardian readers watching BBC2 could change the world. But this was a fantasy. In fact,…
The lying game
‘Adam Curtis believed that 200,000 Guardian readers watching BBC2 could change the world. But this was a fantasy. In fact,…
The most persecuted minority at universities
A few columns ago, I told the mortifying story of how I totally died at the Oxford Union. Today I’m…
The most persecuted minority at universities
A few columns ago, I told the mortifying story of how I totally died at the Oxford Union. Today I’m…
The most persecuted minority at universities
A few columns ago, I told the mortifying story of how I totally died at the Oxford Union. Today I’m…
Hong kong: Eating it up
The brilliant thing about Hong Kong is that you don’t have to worry for a second about all the culture…
Revenge of the robots
The other day James Lovelock, the sprightly 97-year-old inventor of Gaia theory, told a mildly surprised Guardian interviewer that he…
Revenge of the robots
The other day James Lovelock, the sprightly 97-year-old inventor of Gaia theory, told a mildly surprised Guardian interviewer that he…
I want my Brexit good and strong
What you really should have done if you were in Birmingham on Monday this week was skip the not notably…
I want my Brexit good and strong
What you really should have done if you were in Birmingham on Monday this week was skip the not notably…
Close encounters of the Eighties kind
Stranger Things is the most delightful, gripping, charming, nostalgic, compulsive, edge-of-seat entertainment I’ve had in ages. Like a lot of…
Close encounters of the Eighties kind
Stranger Things is the most delightful, gripping, charming, nostalgic, compulsive, edge-of-seat entertainment I’ve had in ages. Like a lot of…
The miracle of Hong Kong
Since he moved to Hong Kong three years ago, the Rat’s Cantonese has been coming on apace. This has rather…
The miracle of Hong Kong
Since he moved to Hong Kong three years ago, the Rat’s Cantonese has been coming on apace. This has rather…