Falsifying history can only increase racial tension
Frank Furedi argues that historic memory is the key to the identity of any coherent community, and that attacking it undermines a population’s solidarity
In defence of the EU
Eastern Europe is the graveyard of empires. Rome failed on the Danube, Napoleon on the Dnieper. The epic struggle between…
There was nothing remotely pleasant about a peasant’s existence
Focusing on Ireland and his own peasant heritage, Patrick Joyce laments the passing of a distinctive way of life. But the world his parents left behind was truly horrible
Judgment call: the case for leaving the ECHR
What’s to stop us leaving the ECHR?
Our academics are attacking the whole concept of knowledge
The decolonisers in Britain’s universities are not just trying to defend their views. They are seeking to upend the free market in ideas by imposing them, says Doug Stokes
The holy fool
The beleaguered monarch cuts a sad figure at the opening of David Carpenter’s second volume of biography – in contrast to his brilliant arch-enemy Simon de Montfort
The Guardian’s self-laceration is embarrassing to watch
The Guardian is currently engaged in an orgy of sanctimonious breast-beating. After two years’ research commissioned by its proprietor, the…
The collectors’ obsession with rare medieval manuscripts
Jonathan Sumption describes the age-old obsession of bibliophiles with acquiring rare illuminated manuscripts
Was Nato expansion worth the risk?
This is an important and topical book. Mary Sarotte traces the difficult course of Russia’s relations with Europe and the…
The hidden harms in the Online Safety Bill
The hidden harms in the Online Safety Bill
A written constitution is no defence against authoritarian government
No one can accuse Linda Colley of shying away from big subjects. This one is as big as they come…
Sylvie Bermann personifies French fury over Brexit
Sylvie Bermann was the French ambassador in London between 2014 and 2017. Her stint here was a notable success. She…
The moment the modern world went wrong
Spectator contributors were asked: Which moment from history seems most significant or interesting? Here is Jonathan Sumption’s answer: The Paris…
'This is how freedom dies': The folly of Britain's coercive Covid strategy
During the Covid-19 pandemic, the British state has exercised coercive powers over itscitizens on a scale never previously attempted. It…
Britain’s bizarre Italian travel guidance
Here’s a tip. When the Foreign Office advises against going somewhere, hop on the next plane. The mandarins have advised…
Social distancing destroys our lives as social beings
A lockdown diary is an oddly negative thing. At the dinner parties that we aren’t going to, we aren’t discussing…
Jonathan Sumption: 'You cannot imprison an entire population'
The current rationale for the lockdown is incoherent. The old rationale was: ‘you must spread the infections over a longer…
Did Christianity make the western mind — or was it the other way round?
Nobody can accuse Tom Holland of shying away from big subjects. Dominion is nothing less than a history of Christianity…
Heroism in a hopeless cause: why the crusades remain fascinating
The crusades are part of everyone’s mental image of the Middle Ages. They extended, in one form or another, from…
History will be kinder to Theresa May than we have been
Recording the BBC Radio 4 Reith Lectures has brought me to five cities and five styles of questioning. Cardiff had…
What it took to wage holy war, Medieval style
For most of history, religion and war have been the most powerful social instincts of mankind and its chief collective…