“Why do you hate the environment?”
Whenever I object to the government banning plastic bags or tripling my electricity bill, I’m always asked, ‘Why do you…
How we shirked our duty to offend
An axiom attributed to Leonardo da Vinci is that great artists steal. In that vein, I shamelessly steal from Spiked!…
Sometimes in life you just need to wear the right shoes
The Gap State High School in Brisbane’s west has made news because of its strict adherence to its uniform policy.…
Queensland’s undemocratic electoral processes
Libertarians, classical liberals and small government conservatives will likely be disappointed with their options when they come to vote in…
Too controversial to debate: IQ and learning
Deplatforming has again become an issue after Teach First, a UK not-for-profit organisation that recruits teachers from other academic disciplines,…
“My family’s voting ‘Yes’!”
Last Saturday evening I had a curious encounter. I was busy running around LibertyFest making sure everything ran smoothly when…
“No” campaign dad shows why we need school choice
Last week, Buzzfeed reported that Steve Tourloukis, a Canadian father prominent in advertising by the Coalition for Marriage, “asked for…
If corporations care so much about diversity and inclusion, they should hire older workers
It has become fashionable for corporations to promote diversity and inclusion, but if they cared about being inclusive, they would…
Liberal or progressive? You can’t be both
In the aftermath of the British election Liberal Democrats leader Tim Farron was forced to resign because of his Christian…
Whatever happened to fast food?
Lately, I’ve been asking myself a question: whatever ever happened to fast food? It just seems everywhere I go the…
The Greens abolish private property
Ok, not quite — but the Queensland party has released a policy to “fix the rigged system that treats renters…
Corporations don’t have views on same-sex marriage, people do
After the news that Australia will proceed with a postal plebiscite on same sex marriage, Qantas, a long time supporter…
Australia’s deindustrialisation
High energy prices are causing Australia to deindustrialise. Earlier this month mining giant Glencore’s chief Peter Freyberg’s called for the…
The left can’t meme
Having grown up in the 1980s and 1990s I remember a time when popular culture mocked the right wing stiff.…
Won’t somebody please think of the children!
Most of us have memories of walking to school. It was a small step towards independence on the long journey…
It’s time for Labor voters to pay their way
It now looks like that Labor and the Greens will support a tax increase for people earning above $85,000 a…
The great renewable energy swindle
As with all swindles, the great renewable energy swindle has ended with the sad realisation that we’ve been had. Having…
Anti hate laws: an attack on free speech
Anti-hate laws across the world and in Australia are being used to restrict free speech. In Australia, LibertyWorks recently reported…
18c and the cult of victimhood
In a shock turn of events, the hunter has become the hunted in the Queensland University of Technology 18c case.…
The fat bogan tax
Last week the good people at Centre for Authoritarian Ideas – otherwise known as the Grattan Institute – released a…
The Human Rights Commission must be abolished
Cato the Elder would end every speech with, ‘Carthago delenda est’; ‘Carthage must be destroyed’. Rome had defeated Carthage in…
Play to win
If there’s one lesson to take from Donald Trump’s victory in the presidential election, it is that conservatives and libertarians…
Free speech and the boss: who wins?
When the internet first began in early 90s one of its defining characteristics was anonymity. People created Hotmail, Yahoo and AOL accounts with…
The two true deplorables
We live in an age where everyone is told: follow your dreams. Let your passion guide you. But, most of…
David Van Gend and the Rainbow Jihadists
Traditional marriage campaigner David Van Gend recently did that most rare of things – he defended the freedom of his…