Kate Hyde


Has Trump turned you into a masochist?

31 July 2020 5:21 am

Welcome back to the Red Room, Democrats. On Thursday morning President Trump fired off a stream of consciousness tweet tinkering…


Virtual insanity

16 July 2020 11:54 pm

This week was originally slated to be the week of the Democratic National Convention in Milwaukee, when presumptive nominee Joe…

bill de blasio

Bill de Blasio unites cops and protesters — in disgust

4 June 2020 5:02 am

New York City is crumbling into shambolic lawlessness and its citizens are growing more afraid and frustrated by the day.…


Joe Biden’s campaign has set feminism back decades

27 May 2020 1:11 am

As we inch closer to the Democratic National Convention in August, the question looms ever larger: who will Joe Biden…

stacey abrams

The Stacey Abrams presidency

20 May 2020 2:26 am

‘You don’t run for second place.’ That’s how Stacey Abrams responded when asked if she would consider being presidential hopeful…