Katy Balls

Katy Balls is Diary Editor at The Spectator.

May under pressure to set an exit date to get her deal over the line

18 March 2019 10:17 am

Is this the week Theresa May sets out an exit date for her departure from No. 10? There is hope…

How likely is an imminent general election?

16 March 2019 9:00 am

When a British government loses control over parliament, the natural remedy is to hold a general election. Why prolong everyone’s…

Are things finally looking up for Theresa May?

15 March 2019 6:47 am

Theresa May’s week just got a little less bad. This evening the Government managed to successfully defeat a string of…

The latest government shambles could help May pass her deal

14 March 2019 8:10 am

This evening Theresa May’s week went from awful to terrible. After her deal was heavily defeated for a second time…

What Theresa May needs to go right today to avoid another historic defeat

12 March 2019 6:55 pm

In order to turn things around with her Brexit deal, Theresa May needs a domino effect. She needs to somehow…

How can the government avoid defeat this week?

25 February 2019 8:54 pm

Theresa May begins the week with a chunk of her party growing increasingly frustrated with her handling of Brexit. The…

Westminster’s splitting headache: who will quit next?

23 February 2019 9:00 am

The first thing to note about the ‘South Bank seven’ is that they are nothing like the four former Labour…

Will 2019 be Jeremy Corbyn’s year?

5 January 2019 9:00 am

It’s hard to think of a time when an opposition leader has had such a promising start to the new…

War-gaming the Brexit vote: seven scenarios for what happens next

8 December 2018 9:00 am

Parliament is in deadlock over Brexit. So what can we expect in the coming days and weeks after the vote?…

How WhatsApp stops the Tory plotters plotting

3 November 2018 9:00 am

How to explain Theresa May’s resilience? As Prime Minister, she has survived mishaps and calamities that would have finished off…

The People’s Vote have one big advantage: their opponents are in disarray

1 September 2018 9:00 am

It may seem odd that a cabal of politicians, celebrities and millionaires can successfully present themselves as a great democratic…

The plot to stop Brexit

25 August 2018 9:00 am

Every Wednesday morning in the House of Commons, about a dozen people can be seen making their way along the…

Theresa May’s exit strategy

18 August 2018 9:00 am

There’s an advertising campaign for the Swiss Alps at the moment urging people to go hiking there ‘and find the…

Notes from Jerusalem: Everyone is in love with Donald Trump

19 May 2018 9:00 am

‘Trump Make Israel Great’ reads the banner on the deserted hotel next to the new American embassy in Jerusalem. Unlike…

The phoney Tory leadership war

19 August 2017 9:00 am

When a new MP is offered a job as a parliamentary private secretary for a cabinet member, it’s often a…

Now with relatively little witchcraft: North Berwick

North Berwick

1 April 2017 9:00 am

My home town is better than yours. Don’t take my word for it. This month North Berwick was crowned ‘best…


10 December 2016 9:00 am

Although drinking excessive levels of alcohol is up there with Olympic cycling and democracy as things the British excel at,…

She should have stuck to the vodka


8 December 2016 3:00 pm

Although drinking excessive levels of alcohol is up there with Olympic cycling and democracy as things the British excel at,…

And from left to left we have…

24 September 2016 9:00 am

Corbyn’s allies on the hard left are lining up to reform the Labour party. Some make him look like a…

Cable cars, cheese and chic on the quieter side of the Alps

17 October 2015 9:00 am

‘It sounds like you’re having an Ann Summers party up there,’ a male traveller called, as our group erupted into…

Powder to the people: the new deal for the cocaine market

29 August 2015 9:00 am

Fierce competition is forcing drug dealers to adjust their sales methods

Alpine joys in summer

You don’t have to be super-rich to enjoy St Moritz in summer

30 May 2015 9:00 am

Here’s a tip: when travelling to St Moritz, it’s best not to mention the name of your final destination to…

Alpine joys in summer

St Moritz

28 May 2015 1:00 pm

Here’s a tip: when travelling to St Moritz, it’s best not to mention the name of your final destination to…