Aussie life
I have barracked for the Essendon football team since I was a youngster. Amongst the mementos of my childhood days…
Rumours of Xi coup untrue
China may be on the nose, but Jinping still rules
Population interruptus
China’s birth rate woes
Taking the Mickey
Xi fails to see the funny side
Australian notes
For Australians of the second world war generation, the name Guadalcanal engenders immediate thoughts and emotions about some of the…
Sino notes
Two weeks ago, the Chinese ambassador to France asserted, ‘After the reunification with Taiwan, the Taiwanese population must be re-educated’.…
Taiwan tantrum
President Xi has succeeded only in projecting weakness
Defending Taiwan
Beijing’s sabre-rattling about Pelosi is just the latest attempt to bully the West
China’s port, Sri Lanka’s storm
Colombo’s crisis is Beijing’s opportunity
Force for good
Shinzo Abe sought to militarise Japan to defend democracy
Moribund on the Bund
Xi’s war on Covid is killing China’s economy
Yes there is a ‘colonial project’ – China’s
Taiwan does not belong to the Middle Kingdom
Sun Tzu is hard at work
How China uses ‘force’ to prevent ‘war’
Election post-mortem
Head even further left and the Libs are doomed to permanent opposition
The end of religious freedom in Hong Kong
China’s war on Christianity continues at a fast and furious rate
History of the CCP, part 2
Is there a Putin-Xi pact?
The paranoia of Xi Jinping
And the true history of China
Not so silent invasion
Chinese infiltration of the West is rampant
Silence of the Lamb
‘God’s representative on Earth’ has nothing to say about China’s evil communist regime
Slaves to the CCP
Big business turns a blind eye to the plight of the Uyghurs
China’s Pacific projection
Australia can’t afford complacency
Lithuania backs Taiwan despite Beijing bullies
The West needs to unite in defence of rules-based order
China is a gold medallist in Olympic boycotts
Guess which country is a gold medallist for Olympic boycotts? Surely not the country that claimed recently a diplomatic boycott…
China’s behaviour demands a boycott of the Winter Olympics
And why Taiwan must be defended
Japan, Taiwan and the threat of Xi Jinping
... and Paul Keating’s bizarre comments