Conservative notes
Lefty Tory Brits Arriving in London for a posting at Australia House during the dying days of the Blair government,…
Spanish diary
On arriving for the first time in decades on Spanish soil I realise that the last time I visited –…
Turnbull’s ‘progressive’ legacy
In August 2011 the Australian American Leadership Dialogue talkfest convened in Perth and one of its sessions was a panel…
London diary
One of the things I used to look forward to on London visits was the theatre; but too often now…
Austro-Hungarian diary
One of the great pleasures of spending time in Budapest is admiring the city’s restoration. Despite war, communism and 1956,…
Hungarian notes
Merkel’s nemesis Before German Chancellor Angela Merkel picked a fight with her Hungarian counterpart Viktor Orbán in 2015 by opening…
Eyeballing DFAT
The problem with our foreign affairs bureaucracy isn’t just the consistent political correctness and suspicion of the Coalition. Much time…
Eyeballing DFAT
In republican Canberra, admiration for British tradition is thin. But in one respect it’s alive and well. Our career mandarins…