Dear Mary: Is it OK to ask to drink the wine you brought to a dinner party?
Q. What is the etiquette regarding asking to drink the wine you have brought to a dinner party? The man…
Your problems solved
Q. What is the etiquette regarding asking to drink the wine you have brought to a dinner party? The man…
Dear Mary: why have all my friends given me scented candles?
Q. My super successful son kindly gave a birthday dinner party for me in a glamorous London club. I have never…
Your problems solved
Q. My super successful son kindly gave a birthday dinner party for me in a glamorous London club. I have never…
Dear Mary: When I woke up at 3 a.m., my dinner party guests hadn’t gone
How do you persuade your pleasant dinner guests to go home when they will stay into the early hours if…
Dear Mary
How do you persuade your pleasant dinner guests to go home when they will stay into the early hours if…
Dear Mary: My doctor keeps asking me for advice on selling furniture
Q. I know it’s a gaffe to ask a doctor for medical advice at a party, but what is the…
Your problems solved
Q. I know it’s a gaffe to ask a doctor for medical advice at a party, but what is the…
Dear Mary: How can I angle for a wedding invitation?
Q. How does one go about getting invited to a wedding? Two friends of mine from university, who I have…
Your problems solved
Q. How does one go about getting invited to a wedding? Two friends of mine from university, who I have…
Dear Mary: how can my friend make her husband wear his hearing aids?
Q. A friend of mine’s husband is in his nineties. They are a delightful couple but the husband has started…
Your problems solved
Q. A friend of mine’s husband is in his nineties. They are a delightful couple but the husband has started…
Dear Mary on thongs vs big pants and stilettos on wooden floors
Q. I have a daily problem with knickers. I am size eight so not obese, but I find the sort…
Dear Mary
Q. I have a daily problem with knickers. I am size eight so not obese, but I find the sort…
Dear Mary: How can I make a conversation-stopping gaffe go away?
Q. What should a host do when a guest says something so embarrassing in front of the assembled company that…
Dear Mary
Q. What should a host do when a guest says something so embarrassing in front of the assembled company that…
Dear Mary: How to stop a host turning his dinner party into a debate
Q. Twice recently our host has clinked his glass, required us to stop relaxing and instead take part in a…
Your problems solved
Q. Twice recently our host has clinked his glass, required us to stop relaxing and instead take part in a…
Dear Mary: Should my widowed mother and her boyfriend get separate beds?
Q. I was interested in the advice given to the niece who owed £30 (12 March). A more direct option,…
Dear Mary
Q. I was interested in the advice given to the niece who owed £30 (12 March). A more direct option,…
Dear Mary: help me to engineer a date with this charming army officer
Q. I have a deep crush on an army officer I’ve met through work. He is decisive, practical and doesn’t…
Dear Mary
Q. I have a deep crush on an army officer I’ve met through work. He is decisive, practical and doesn’t…
Dear Mary: my niece hasn’t returned the small sum I lent her
Q. My niece, who came to stay with me in the country for the weekend, arrived without cash and asked…
Your problems solved
Q. My niece, who came to stay with me in the country for the weekend, arrived without cash and asked…
Dear Mary: My husband leaves all cupboards and drawers open
Q. Re. your letter from F.C. about the boyfriend leaving lids off (20 February), I have a similar problem. My husband…