Matthew Lynn

Biden's rift with Brussels is only set to grow

16 February 2021 1:46 am

It was meant to be a special relationship. After the tumultuous Trump years, President Biden was planning to reset relations…

Von der Leyen has learnt nothing from the EU's vaccine fiasco

11 February 2021 12:58 am

As non-apology apologies go, it was right up there with the best of them. Speaking to MEPs today, the president…

Ursula von der Leyen has always left a trail of disaster

31 January 2021 11:29 pm

The German Army had to join a NATO exercise with broomsticks because they didn’t have any rifles. It’s special forces…

Vaccine wars: the global battle for a precious resource

30 January 2021 9:00 am

The vaccine wars are turning nasty

The EU’s vaccine catastrophe is a crisis of its own making

25 January 2021 2:19 am

As news emerges that both Pfizer and AstraZeneca are cutting supplies of their Covid-19 vaccines to the EU by up…

The EU has botched its vaccination programme

9 January 2021 9:00 am

The EU has botched its vaccination programme

Thatcher was completely right about the Euro

1 January 2021 8:52 pm

It was a ‘rush of blood to the head’. Its central bank would prove to be hopelessly ineffective. And cultural…

Britain has won the biggest Brexit prize of all

25 December 2020 2:24 am

In the end, the fish were only of symbolic importance. Neither does it matter that much what happens to Scottish…

No-deal Brexit planning has been a lifesaver

22 December 2020 12:13 am

The port of Dover has been closed down. The Eurotunnel isn’t carrying any freight for a couple of days. The…

More Brexit talks are the worst possible outcome for the economy

14 December 2020 12:53 am

Currency speculators at some of the hedge funds in Mayfair may be feeling quietly pleased.Trade experts will be relieved that…

Italy is about to hijack the eurozone

28 November 2020 12:47 am

There is still some debate about who came up with the adage that ‘if you owe the bank $100 that…

There's nothing wrong with profiting from a vaccine

17 November 2020 3:14 am

A couple of shots to the arm and this will all be over. With today’s news from Moderna, last week’s…

brexit britain

Brexit Britain will be the winner in the EU’s war on Joe Biden

16 November 2020 3:47 am

A new era of transatlantic cooperation will have begun. The United States will pivot towards Brussels. The trade wars will…

Pfizer's Covid vaccine is a victory for the free market

11 November 2020 5:53 am

There are still safety trials to be completed. Data has to be collected, checked, double-checked, and then peer-reviewed. And we…

In praise of Big Pharma

10 November 2020 6:20 pm

In the last decade, the mega corporation has taken a lot of stick from just about everyone. But hold on.…

Pollsters should shut up shop after this election disaster

5 November 2020 12:50 am

High Street chains are closing all the time. The restaurant chains are shutting their doors. The gyms are going out…

The eurozone is in deep trouble

29 October 2020 1:31 am

In Germany, the DAX index – the benchmark for the economy – is already down 4 per cent today. In…

Why is Jamie Oliver so against freedom of choice?

29 September 2020 12:58 am

It will involve hundreds of hours of haggling over thousands of different products. It will have to pass torturous debates…

The race to find a Covid vaccine has become a global power struggle

12 September 2020 9:00 am

The race for a Covid vaccine is about much more than finding a cure

Oxford's vaccine delay has thrown the global race wide open

9 September 2020 11:59 pm

Even a politician as tenaciously optimistic as Matt Hancock was struggling to put any positive spin on it: the world…

The work from home brigade should be careful what they wish for

28 August 2020 3:38 pm

No more commuting. An end to irritating conversations with slightly dull colleagues. The boss can’t monitor how much time you…

stock market

The stock market isn’t the success story Trump thinks it is

20 August 2020 2:02 am

COVID-19 is still raging, with little sign of coming under control. The economy is already a tenth smaller than it…

Why are we so sniffy about the Russian vaccine?

13 August 2020 9:26 pm

It didn’t help that it was unveiled by a swaggering Vladimir Putin. Or that it was called Sputnik V –…

Covid doesn’t care about your political theories

29 July 2020 12:38 am

The President of the European Central Bank, Christine Lagarde, took some time out from presiding over the worst collapse in…

Europe’s coronavirus rescue fund is dead on arrival

22 July 2020 12:16 am

Just imagine what would happen if real money was at stake. Over the last four days, the leaders of the…