Everything you always wanted to know about the Alt-Right* (*but were afraid to ask)
BOSTON, UNITED STATES — The Alt-Right hysteria sweeping the Western world is as overwrought as it is alarming. On the…
My secret alt-right shame (as told to The Guardian)
I’ve been floating the idea of hoaxing The Guardian for years now. The plan was to pose as some emotionally…
ISIS’ new ally: the media
BOSTON, UNITED STATES — Further to our point about the left-wing media provoking anti-conservative violence, The Daily Mail reports: A…
Why President Trump means we can stop apologising
My colleagues at my day job are, for the most part, aware that I do a bit of writing on…
The spy who shoved me
This Ausyn Crites thing has me all nostalgic. It calls to mind my own run-in with the Secret Service. November…
Impropriety? Sexism and misogyny, puh-lease
A new bit of Clinton-media rot is making the rounds on social media, this one from the formerly estimable Time. Robin…
The right write stuff: a conservative literature primer
Adelaide Sunday Mail columnist Peter Goers has written a hit-piece on his fellow News Corp scribbler, the precocious Caleb Bond, which he…
How the left created Donald Trump
Regardless of who wins the American presidential election, the most interesting and constructive question surrounding this grim circus can already…
Nobel notes
Bob Dylan won this year’s Nobel Prize, ‘for having created new poetic expressions within the great American song tradition.’ Which…
Sydney University’s female trouble
It’s perhaps the single greatest prank in the history of University of Sydney student politics. The Sydney Morning Herald reports:…
The Trump and Judy show
Clinton: ‘It’s a good thing that someone with the temperament of Donald Trump is not in charge of the law…
Further Syrian notes
My article in this week’s Speccie took a look at important developments in the Syrian civil war: the US-led coalition’s decision to put regime…
Prometheus unbound, politics undone
Rod Dreher, the American traditionalist journo, has just published an important blog post that Aussie conservatives would do well to…
Modest mantillas and bashful burqinis: same difference
New tripe on the burqini ban, this time from Jennifer Oriel: “When the Syrian city of Manbij was liberated from Islamic State, women burned…
Richer, safer, healthier, vacuous, lost and depraved
Sixteen years or so too late, but I’m presently inhaling Peter Hitchens’s The Abolition of Britain. Though a diehard Hitchensonian…
The real Gosford Anglican Church outrage
None of us are wanting for a reason to abhor Nick Folkes’s stunt at the Gosford Anglican Church. It was…
Milwaukee, Wisconsin is recovering from brutal rioting. The unrest grew out of protests over the death of Sylville K. Smith,…
Faster – higher – stronger – more politically correct
I’ve been an avid fencer since prep school. Back then I wore the whole get-up – the jacket, the mask,…
The conservative case against an Abbott return
They say a man’s always promoted to his highest level of incompetence, and Australian voters saw to that in 2013.…
The PM and the common touch
It truly pains me to say this, but Niki Savva was quite right (Ah! Where are those pills?) Niki Savva…
How Malcolm’s mates let him down
As I type, Malcolm Turnbull’s media allies are no doubt gearing up to blame the ‘Del-Cons’ for the humiliating defeat…
Will July 2 give us a dinky-di UKIP of our own?
The most intriguing and under-reported titbit that emerged from last year’s #libspill came in the form of an offhand comment…
Australian notes
I love Malcolm, but where is he when you need him? ‘This isn’t the Malcolm Turnbull Australians thought they…
Multicultural notes
‘Once upon a time there was a kingdom where people of all races and nationalities got along in perfect peace…
Conservative notes
I’m not going to survive much more of this Republican Primary. It’s not the infighting, the blowharding, or the underhandedness…