Neil Brown

Brown study

29 October 2016 9:00 am

Perhaps all is not lost. There might yet be hope for the education of our youth. Like many people, I…

QC notes

22 October 2016 9:00 am

Brandis is right, gleeson is wrong Normally, I would not get involved in disputes concerning politicians, as they should be…

Riot Woy’s war diary

8 October 2016 9:00 am

It seems just a mere few weeks ago that I was toasting a crumpet in the prefects’ room at St…

Brown study

17 September 2016 9:00 am

One day when I was a member of the federal parliament, a surprising thing happened to me. Until then, if…

Brown study

10 September 2016 9:00 am

Pollies’ dictionary The Australian National Dictionary has just published its second edition with lots of new words that have worked…

Brown study

13 August 2016 9:00 am

It is good to see that proposals for electoral reform keep coming in. Some of them are designed to prevent…

Brown study

23 July 2016 9:00 am

Melbourne is rejoicing today in a wonderful literary hoax that rivals the 1943 publication in Angry Penguins of the spoof…

Brown study

9 July 2016 9:00 am

Malcolm Turnbull has certainly made a name for himself since he became leader of the Liberal party. The party that…

Brown study

2 July 2016 9:00 am

Now the election is over, here are our Awards for noteworthy service given to the democratic process over the last…

Brown study

25 June 2016 4:00 am

I don’t agree with the mainstream media that the election campaign has been dull and boring, except when the media…

Brown study

18 June 2016 9:00 am

It would be odd if this column did not make some comment on progress in the federal election campaign which,…

Brown study

28 May 2016 9:00 am

No-one should have been surprised when Greens Senator Richard Di Natale was sprung last week for paying his three employees…

Brown study

21 May 2016 9:00 am

We owe the New York Times a debt of enormous gratitude for exposing Donald Trump as the misogynist and woman…

Brown study

30 April 2016 9:00 am

I suppose I must be the only person in Australia who has read, re-read and underlined Niki Savva’s The Road…

Brown study

16 April 2016 9:00 am

As you know, I have always been at the forefront of the fight against discrimination, especially the evil variety that…

Brown study

2 April 2016 9:00 am

A new authoritarianism has descended. There now seems to be a list of official beliefs we are allowed to hold…

Behaviour unbecoming

12 March 2016 9:00 am

Those bigmouths who have spilled the beans on office gossip and scuttlebutt do themselves no favours

Brown study

5 March 2016 9:00 am

After this year’s shambles, I thought I would get in early and nominate Alice Kunek as Australian of the Year…

Brown study

27 February 2016 9:00 am

As The Spectator Australia is a journal of record, it should be noted here that Andrew Jones, the former Liberal…

Brown study

6 February 2016 9:00 am

I don’t know what made me change my opinion so dramatically on a certain matter of public interest that has…

Brown study

23 January 2016 9:00 am

As our Prime Minister has observed many times, there has never been a better time to be alive, what with…

Brown study

9 January 2016 9:00 am

I am sorry to have to tell you this, but anarchists are not what they used to be. I reluctantly…

Brown study

12 December 2015 9:00 am

It is good to see the Greens doing their bit to stop the evil gender bias and stereotyping now so…

Brown study

28 November 2015 9:00 am

The way some political leaders and the media responded to the terrorist outrages in Paris was fascinating. First, I was…

Brown study

17 October 2015 9:00 am

This column would take on an air of unreality if it did not say something sooner or later about the…