The hounding of a Scottish poet by trans activists
For a witch hunt to begin extremists must so dominate a movement any sin, however slight, becomes a heresy the…
J.K. Rowling's latest novel isn't 'transphobic'
The object of a slanderer is to blacken the name of his target so thoroughly everything she says and does…
How Corbyn's toxic legacy continues to sabotage the Labour party
On Thursday the supposedly resurgent Labour party lost control of Brighton and Hove, one of its few centres of power…
Boris Johnson’s command and control administration
Conservatives once knew that command and control didn’t work. Even if they didn’t know it intellectually, one former Conservative minister…
The coronavirus scandal no one is talking about
For months, mental health charities and Labour politicians have been telling the government truths that were so self-evident to anyone…
The Red Wall overwhelmingly opposes a no-deal Brexit
It isn’t news to say the Johnson administration doesn’t understand how to fight Covid-19 or reopen schools or save the…
Is George Bush brave enough to tell voters to back Biden?
For an instant, it looked as if George W. Bush might be an example of integrity all who believe in liberal…
The lethal combination of Brexit and Covid
The combination of Covid-19 and Brexit is a double whammy. The first was a haymaker that hit Britain from nowhere.…
Boris Johnson will regret standing by Dominic Cummings
Boris Johnson is a populist who no longer understands the populace. Dominic Cummings pretends to be an anti-elitist but cannot…
Coronavirus's forgotten victims
I am hearing stories about people with disabilities that make me feel ill. Visitors to care homes (parents and siblings,…
How to save our nightlife after coronavirus
The one certainty about crisis is that it makes bad situations worse. Anyone working in restaurants, pubs, cafes and clubs…
Bailing out Richard Branson comes with a big price
Richard Branson is asking British taxpayers – a club he resigned from when he moved his affairs to the lax…
Whatever happened to parliamentary democracy?
In the middle of a national crisis, Britain has become a parliamentary democracy without a parliament. The police now have…
Is Boris Johnson serious enough to take on the coronavirus?
Boris Johnson’s handsome election victory was only three months ago, but already it feels like a relic from another age.…
Boris’s main opposition is his party’s ageing demographics
If you want to see why Britain’s future will be so decrepit, look at the dramas on ITV. Unlike the…
Labour’s far left is a personality cult without the personality
The Labour left that has dominated radical culture since 2015 appears to have had a stroke. Its candidates for the…
A new leader won’t stop the far left’s domination of Labour
The far left controls the Labour bureaucracy, its National Executive Committee, its policy making, manifesto writing, many of its constituency…
The polling that shows Corbyn is to blame for Labour’s decline
The reason Jeremy Corbyn is not preparing to lead the first majority Labour government since 2010 is Jeremy Corbyn. The…
The Troubles with Brexit
At times, it can be hard to avoid the preachy style of reviewing that talks to readers in the tone…
How our biased electoral system could change British history
Last night’s report in the Financial Times that Nigel Farage is considering a pact with Boris Johnson has terrified what…
Extremists have taken over the two main parties
Both main British parties are now characterised by intolerance of dissent, leader worship and racism. You can take a historical…
Boris is a weak man posing as a tough guy
Boris Johnson is taking over the Conservative party like a gangster taking over a crime syndicate. Don’t let ideological labels…
Revealed: Tom Watson’s secret plan to oust Jeremy Corbyn
The phrase ‘existential crisis’ is thrown around too easily. But it is hard to find a better description of the…
Why Tories are hooked on Boris Johnson
Modern politicians are like drug dealers intent on keeping their clients’ hooked. They sell fixes to their core voters: upping…
Corbyn isn’t working – and Labour is being picked apart by its new enemies
Protestors on the anti-Brexit marches have sensed an eerie absence. ‘What is it?’ I thought back in March as I…