McSteamy to Scary?
When Brett Sutton shot to fame in the wake of the Covid outbreak I admit I fell for him. Hook,…
Has your eco-anxiety got the better of you?
Are you suffering from a bout of eco-anxiety? Do you feel angry and infuriated about the lack of Climate Change…
Classrooms: an ideological battleground
The effects of leftist ideology that has infiltrated classrooms is damaging and should be of concern to every parent. Much…
Bend the knee, peasants!
The breakdown of the nation-state has been instrumental in global institutions growing their power and influence. How did this breakdown…
Truth? Safety? Liberty? Something has gone horribly wrong
When making important decisions about what drug we are going to inject into our bodies, we consider factors such as…
Chasing ‘freedom’ at the federal election
This coming federal election, Australia is at a crossroads. The disillusionment with the major parties created during the years of…
The Central Bank Digital Currency is on the horizon
When Covid spread its shady particles around the globe, the borders of nations were profoundly meaningful as travel restrictions were…
Australia’s ‘children of the Covid state’
The Victorian Department of Education and Training has now become the co-parent of our children. In a most disturbing government…
Infowars: government and big tech vs the people
How do we navigate this age of ‘infowars’ where we have an information overload and a 24/7 news cycle ready-to-engage-phone-addicted…
‘Conspiracy theorists’ – the new extremists
The rationale that dominates the minds of the mainstream, which for over two years has dictated the dominant discourse, seems…
The naughty underground non-compliers
You wouldn’t know it but there are thousands of naughty non-complying Victorians enjoying access to their taxpayer-funded amenities and venues.…
Omicron roars through, but I only hear crickets
Since Omicron has spread so vigorously throughout the fully vaccinated and unvaccinated alike, and considering too that the unvaccinated (or…