Orbán’s Hungary exposes Australia’s faux conservatives
As I sit at Scruton’s Café in Budapest, reading the latest issue of the Hungarian Conservative, I wonder: would Peter Dutton rather…
Lacking a spine? Vic Libs and the Renee Heath controversy
The state of Victoria has served up yet another watershed moment in the decline of freedom of association. Back in…
Ensuring a future for the humanities in Australia
Back in 1951, the great conservative institution-builder William F. Buckley Jr. wrote a book about Yale University. However, what he described occurring in New Haven would ultimately apply more…
Great books, liberal arts, the Ramsay Centre and why they matter
The Ramsay Centre for Western Civilisation is partnering with universities to offer what is often referred to as “Great Books”…
Why the Ramsay Centre is a good bet for UQ — and Australia
After a controversial multi-month negotiation, Ramsay Centre CEO Simon Haines and University of Queensland Vice-Chancellor Peter Høj have signed off…
Victoria’s euthanasia bill is not safe
The Parliament of Victoria is about to vote on a bill to legalise assisted suicide and euthanasia. Health Minister Jill…
Freedom of association: sanity succeeds on Spring Street
On Tuesday afternoon, Victoria’s upper house of Parliament voted down the Labor Government’s Equal Opportunity Amendment Bill. The Bill was…
Daniel Andrews digs in against freedom of association
The restricting of freedom of association and freedom of religion is back on the agenda in Victorian Parliament this week.…
Twins, caesarians and Centrelink
I had finished work the previous day in preparation for a fortnight of paternity leave. My wife was on the…
Empty pews
In conversation with a Liberal insider some weeks ago, I heard the phrase: ‘I’m trying to rebuild the conservative movement…