
Steerpike is The Spectator's gossip columnist, serving up the latest tittle tattle from London and beyond. Email tips to

Now Lebedev turns on Putin

1 March 2022 1:30 am

Looks like this war isn’t going terribly well for Vladimir Putin. The Russian dictator now finds himself something of an international pariah, with…

Harry and Meghan speak out on Ukraine

25 February 2022 11:30 pm

Amid all the gloom, a sliver of light has emerged from the rubble of Ukraine. As Sun-Tzu said: ‘In the midst of…

The Globe adds Shakespeare anti-Semitism warnings

22 February 2022 2:50 am

Mr S enjoys a good show: many of the best dramas are to be found on the Westminster stage. After all, what…

The New York Times takes aim at J.K. Rowling

18 February 2022 9:50 pm

It looks like the New York Times is at it again. In recent years, America’s least-reliable news source has developed a…

Poll: UK wary of sending troops to Ukraine

17 February 2022 9:45 pm

Another day and another wait to see what, if anything, will happen in Ukraine. Vladimir Putin still has thousands of soldiers…

Will Prince Andrew fuel a republican boom?

16 February 2022 10:06 pm

So that’s then. After years of claims and counter-claims, Prince Andrew has settled with Virginia Giuffre for an eight-figure sum…

Does the Bodleian really need a race adviser?

11 February 2022 4:40 am

It’s a difficult time for libraries. Budget cutbacks, online competitors and rival forms of media all point to a grim…

Why is the BBC saying Boris’s Savile claims are false?

10 February 2022 12:55 am

Is Boris Johnson’s claim that Keir Starmer failed to prosecute Jimmy Savile ‘false’? The BBC certainly thinks so. During the…

Mob hound Starmer outside parliament

8 February 2022 6:40 am

An uneventful Monday was enlivened this evening by some rather unappealing scenes outside parliament. Walking back from a Ministry of…

SNP councillor: 'Prosecute Jimmy Carr's audience'

8 February 2022 1:13 am

Oh dear. It seems that the most illiberal party in Great Britain is at it again. In the nationwide haste…

New No. 10 press chief: Boris is 'not a complete clown'

7 February 2022 11:14 pm

If Boris Johnson thought his new No. 10 hires would be less high-profile than their predecessors, he might want to…

Five ways Boris might save his premiership

2 February 2022 3:36 am

Boris Johnson doesn’t even like parties, by all accounts. He prefers to be left alone with women. Yet parties are…

Did Keir Starmer fail to prosecute Jimmy Savile?

2 February 2022 12:20 am

One of the stranger moments of yesterday’s drama in the House of Commons, following the release of the Sue Gray…

Five unanswered questions from Sue Gray's report

1 February 2022 2:40 am

At long last, it’s finally here. This afternoon’s release of Sue Gray’s report into the Downing Street parties marks the…

China's 'useful idiots' keep their honours

31 January 2022 11:36 pm

Ministers like to talk a good game on China. But, as the Commons witnessed just two weeks ago, all too…

Has Cressida bailed out Boris?

28 January 2022 9:02 pm

‘Wait for Sue Gray’ was the ministerial mantra last week. And wait, we all have, as the days have ticked…

Boris's Brexit bonanza

27 January 2022 10:00 pm

Tory whips are working overtime to win round waverers as Boris Johnson struggles to rescue his flailing premiership. Among the arguments being…

Six of the silliest 'cakegate' defences

27 January 2022 3:41 am

Polls might show that two in three voters think Boris Johnson should quit over No. 10’s parties but crucially less…

Did Boris lie about the Afghan dog evacuation?

26 January 2022 11:50 pm

With Sue Gray keeping the lobby on tenterhooks, it’s a good day to bury bad news. Earlier today, the Foreign…

The Daily Mail's curious partygate U-turn

26 January 2022 8:30 pm

The Daily Mail has long been the favoured mid-market newspaper of the masses, as the self-styled champion of Middle England.…

Boris Johnson's lockdown birthday

25 January 2022 5:22 am

‘Wait for Sue Gray’ has been the mantra on every ministers’ lips these past few weeks. But with just days…

Where next for 'party Marty'?

24 January 2022 7:00 pm

Westminster is gearing up for ‘Sue Gray week’ as the top civil servant is due to finally release her long-awaited…

Science Museum axes slavery exhibits

23 January 2022 9:25 pm

An iconoclastic spirit has swept much of Britain’s institutions over the past two years. Just last month Mr S revealed that…

Harry and Meghan's tax wheeze

20 January 2022 10:40 pm

Money is very important to Harry and Meghan – as evidenced by their multi-million dollar deals with a string of top…

The Met Office’s bizarre forecasts

19 January 2022 12:05 am

Now that the government has stuck its neck out and frozen the BBC licence fee, will its next target be…