Portrait of the week
Home The country went to the polls. David Cameron, the Conservative leader, prepared by going around with his sleeves rolled…
The Tories are now the party of the many — Labour is the party of the few
When election day dawns, it’s worth bearing in mind that two million more people will be going to work than when…
Portrait of the week
Home The British economy grew by 0.3 per cent in the first quarter of 2015, the slowest quarterly growth for…
An empire for Islam
From ‘The Khalifate’, The Spectator, 1 May 1915: It seems that the Ottoman Empire is likely to crumble away, and in that…
Spectator letters: What has happened to the instinctive Tory faith?
An instinctive Tory faith Sir: For once Bruce Anderson does not exaggerate: David Cameron did indeed win golden opinions for…
Five arguments for voting Tory (and one for anything but)
Five Spectator contributors on why they’re voting for Cameron (and one on why he isn’t)
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The right choice
Listen http://az592690.vo.msecnd.net/media/channels/viewfrom22/acasts/theelectionwhereeverybodyloses/ALL/ALL/ALL/viewfrom22-theelectionwhereeverybodyloses.mp3 When election day dawns, it’s worth bearing in mind that two million more people will be going to work…