Letters: Why do we bully PMs’ wives?
Strong leaders Sir: Freddy Gray states that ‘voters seemed most enthusiastic about the leaders who removed their liberties’ (‘Leaderless’, 18…
Letters: How to face death
Be prepared Sir: The advice of Jeremy Clarke’s Aunty Margaret that he ‘must “get right with the Lord” as a…
2558: Blonde, 78 - solution
Unclued lights were associated with JUBILEE: years (CALENDAR, SCHOOL, FINANCIAL), clips (CROCODILE,PAPER, TIE) and London underground lines (CENTRAL, CIRCLE, NORTHERN).…
Portrait of the week: Rail strikes, rates rise and a record-breaking stingray
Home A rail strike on three alternate days, bringing the system to a standstill for a week, was organised by…
Cutting the cost of government is the only solution to this crisis
A little over a year ago, The Spectator printed a cover story about the risk of inflation. Britain, we argued,…
2557: Heroes - Solution
The perimetric knights are MO FARAH, JASON KENNY, STEVE REDGRAVE and CHRIS HOY, all OLYMPIC WINNERS. Together they have amassed…
Portrait of the Week: Knighthoods, Northern Ireland and Mick Jagger
Home The British economy contracted by 0.3 per cent in April after shrinking by 0.1 per cent in March, according…
Letters: Boris Johnson might be the leader we need
The leader we need? Sir: Matthew Parris excoriates Boris Johnson for administrative incompetence, mendacity, personal immorality and utter lack of…
Politicians caused the Rwanda deportation debacle
The problem with the bishops in the upper chamber is not that they speak too much, but too little. The…
Portrait of the week: A no-confidence vote, a marginal win and the Queen’s Jubilee
Home Boris Johnson won a vote of confidence in him as prime minister among Conservative MPs by 211 votes to…
Letters: Becoming a GP is not an ‘easier’ option
Saving general practice Sir: Regarding J. Meirion Thomas’s article (‘Medical emergency’, 4 June), traditional general practice continues to thrive in…
2556: Recent origins – solution
The unclued entries give the origins of elements 110-118 now named Darmstadtium, Roentgenium, Copernicium, Nihonium, Flerovium, Moscovium, Livermorium, Tennessine and…
Airlines must accept the blame for the travel chaos
If you have a flight booked in the next few months, it’s time to worry. A new era of air…
What is the most significant year of the Queen’s reign?
A Jubilee poll
God save the Queen: the monarchy has become more valuable than ever
Rarely has a public figure taken a promise so seriously as the vow that Her Majesty the Queen made on…
Portrait of the week: Jubilee celebrations, energy bill discounts and a trade deal with Indiana
Home The Jubilee for the Queen’s 70 years on the throne was marked by two days of public holiday, 16,000…
2555: 6 x 2 mixtures - solution
The paired unclued lights (2/25, 4/16, 5/28, 10/20, 13/17 and 15D/41) are anagrams of one another. First prize Trish Baldin,…
Letters: Who’s responsible for Putin’s rise if not Russians?
Russian misrule Sir: Your editorial (‘Sanction Schroder’, 21 May) laments that western sanctions may be harming ordinary Russians, given that…
Boris Johnson’s guilt
An ability to survive narrow scrapes has been one of Boris Johnson’s defining qualities. The pictures of Downing Street’s lockdown…
2554: Going, going... – Solution
The unclued lights were all extinct species. PTERODON was an acceptable variation at 5 Across. DODO was to be deleted…