The Spectator Australia

Australian letters

31 March 2018 9:00 am

Dark days Sir: David Dilley (Letters, 17 March) suggests ‘co-operation between local communities and enlightened landowners’ might assist in the…

Resurrection unlikely

31 March 2018 9:00 am

Could there be a better time of year than this for the Australian cricket team to decide to crucify themselves,…

Window display

24 March 2018 9:00 am

On too many fronts, the Turnbull government’s embarrassing timidity is constantly on display. It is a timorousness fuelled as much…

Australian letters

24 March 2018 9:00 am

Rocky road Sir: Piers Ackerman is either indulging in a piece of tabloid provocation or he is on the rocky…

Manna from Shorten

17 March 2018 9:00 am

Just when the thirtieth consecutive Newspoll loss for the Turnbull government is looming, and it looks ‘Goodnight Irene’ for Malcolm…

Australian letters

10 March 2018 9:00 am

The point of Cory? Sir: I am a paid up member of  the Australian Conservatives. Sadly, I suspect the good…

Marshmallow fists

10 March 2018 9:00 am

The tragedy is that even if Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull were to ‘take the gloves off’ in his battle with…

Australian letters

3 March 2018 9:00 am

Sterner stuff Sir: I refer to Mark Higgie’s article in The Spectator Australia last week. I served with DFAT for…

Trump, Turnbull, McCormack

3 March 2018 9:00 am

Conservative and mainstream Australians can only sit idly by and watch the ‘Trump revolution’ with a mixture of envy and…

Australian letters

24 February 2018 9:00 am

Love is love Sir: What total hypocrisy: the words attacking Barnaby Joyce from the same people who argued we must…

Bucking Barnaby

24 February 2018 9:00 am

Something doesn’t quite add up. On the one hand, the Prime Minister’s spouse, Lucy Turnbull, proudly announces via a soft…

Exorcising Malcolm

17 February 2018 9:00 am

Those close to the Prime Minister talk of ‘good Malcolm’ versus ‘bad Malcolm’ – the two sides to Mr Turnbull’s…

To stay or go?

10 February 2018 9:00 am

Senator Lucy Gichuhi’s decision to sit with the Liberal Party is a small but important step militating against the fragmentation…

Australian letters

3 February 2018 9:00 am

Onward Christian soldiers? Sir: Hal Colebatch contemplates the revival of the religious military orders to protect Christianity from the attacks…

Shorten’s integrity trick

3 February 2018 9:00 am

Now that same-sex marriage is out of the way, the banking royal commission hastily agreed to, and the Australia Day…

Mr Abbott’s agenda

27 January 2018 9:00 am

The once and possibly future Prime Minister, Tony Abbott, this week started 2018 strongly. Writing for the Australian and speaking…

Australian letters

20 January 2018 9:00 am

Dark ages revisited? Sir: The latest, frenzied, hysterical and vitriolic attack on President Trump by the media, over his “alleged”…

Save Australia Day

20 January 2018 9:00 am

There is only one way for Australians to show their contempt for the stifling political correctness and bullying left-wing activism…

Australian letters

13 January 2018 9:00 am

Twelve bad men Sir: In his article ‘Guilty’, it appears that the cases quoted by Andrew Urban were heard by…

Trial by #metoo media

13 January 2018 9:00 am

The Golden Globe awards have come and gone, with Hollywood emblackening itself and making self-righteous declarations against sexual harassment and…

True friend?

6 January 2018 9:00 am

Exactly a year ago on this page and on our cover we denounced the Obama administration-sponsored United Nations Security Council…

Season of goodwill

16 December 2017 9:00 am

Australians deserve a long, hot, glorious summer of beaches and barbies and to indulge themselves in a joyous Christmas break…

Two-faced on Israel

9 December 2017 9:00 am

Australia has stood against the more rotten and anti-Semitic resolutions of the United Nations. Now, however, it has distinguished itself…

Queensland was about you, Malcolm

2 December 2017 9:00 am

The Queensland election has come and gone. While votes are still being counted, it’s clear premier Annastacia Palaszczuk and her…

Australian letters

25 November 2017 9:00 am

Government by hysteria Sir: In the world where science and politics interact, we see the dismissal of science at the…