The magic of early radio days
Beaty Rubens takes us inside the British home 100 years ago as the glamorous new device becomes central to family life
Is anything still cheap?
Things used to cost approximately what you expected them to cost. Now, the price of almost every item is eye-wateringly,…
Tirzah Garwood just isn’t as good as her husband Eric Ravilious
Tirzah Garwood, wife of the more famous Eric Ravilious, is having a well-deserved moment in the sun, benefiting from this…
‘Carried away by those Russians’ – the dreadful fate of Queen Victoria’s granddaughters
The queen’s repeated warnings to Alix and Ella of the danger of marrying Russians were ignored, and both Princesses of Hesse would die appalling deaths at the hands of revolutionaries
What’s gone wrong at Winchester Cathedral?
The Dean of Winchester, the Very Revd Catherine Ogle, has announced that she will be retiring on 1 May 2025.…
The joy of party bags
The perfect, unpretentious, well-constructed party bag was given to guests leaving a recent Hatchards party. It contained a wedge of…
Please stop clapping at funerals
The Happy Clappies – evangelical Christians who clap along to worship songs during church services – have been around since…
In the dark early 1960s, at least we had the Beatles
The first half of the decade saw towns bulldozed, the Beeching cuts, everyday racism, political scandal and the threat of Armageddon. But there was also Beatlemania…
Hell is a heat pump
Hell is a heat pump
Beware of pity
In her powerful memoir-cum-manifesto, Selina Mills tells us what she misses most, what irritates her most and why she won’t have a guide dog
A last-minute escape from the Holocaust
In a profoundly moving family memoir, Daniel Finkelstein describes the miracle by which his mother, as a child, was rescued from the hell of Belsen
The sadness of Britain’s seaside resorts
Their decline began with the arrival of package holidays in the 1960s – and new schemes for their revival seem already to have backfired
The madness of Low Traffic Neighbourhoods
The madness of the Low Traffic Neighbourhood measures
My search for London’s cheapest flat
My hunt for the cheapest property in London
The puppetry renaissance
Advance ticket sales for My Neighbour Totoro, the Royal Shakespeare Company’s current production running till mid-January, beat all Barbican box-office…
The joy of loathing the Qatar World Cup
I’ll miss hating the Qatar World Cup