Features Australia
2019 Thawley Essay
Runner-up: ‘Sink the subs’
On the Vatican and China
Qui tacet consentire
Trial dictatorship?
Constitutional review overdue
Allan’s Guide to the US election
It all comes down to four states
Blood on hands, yes
...but whose - mine or yours?
Madness in the time of Covid
The green disease is spreading, too
Business/Robbery etc.
Damaging unintended consequences of Hol-gate Act in haste; repent at leisure. It was only an hour or so after last…
A sharp slice of history
Reds under the books
People like Trump
US liberal democracy is now on the line
Nothing sweet about Dan Andrews’ ‘victory’
Deliberately promoting decline
In New Zealand, a once great nation is being trashed
Dark future without Trump
His Churchillian moment
No logic please, we’re Leftists
Woke inconsistencies provide boundless unintended humour
Hippocrates cancelled
Health bureaucrats and actively complicit doctors are now guilty of crimes against humanity
My pick? A narrow Trump win
Trump Derangement Syndrome clearly infects the Aussie media
Ciggie smugglers making a killing
The insane taxes on tobacco products are counter-productive
Falling for Daryl
The swamp men cometh
As history fades into history
As history fades into history
Cashless in Alice
Income Management and the Cashless Debit Card (CDC) have long faced opposition from those who claim that not allowing welfare…
Biden: Beijing’s candidate
A Biden-Harris victory will be a disaster for Australia, too
Why judges matter
On our High Court coin tossers
A day at the ABC
Charter, what Charter?
Business/Robbery etc.
Does Hello Big Spenders mean Farewell Fiscal Discipline? But will the private sector deliver? In line with classic Liberal party…
Will the last Dan standing turn out the lights?
When will governments learn that lockdowns don’t work?
The end of the Arab-Israeli conflict
It’s only taken a hundred and one years to correct one scribbled note