Leading article Australia
Malcolm’s masterplan
Perhaps it’s been Malcolm’s cunning masterplan all along. And here’s how it works: spend month after month raising all sorts…
The cost of freedom
‘Military madness’, sang Graham Nash, ‘is killing my country.’ That was back in the ‘70s when US and Australian forces…
The cost of freedom
‘Military madness’, sang Graham Nash, ‘is killing my country.’ That was back in the ‘70s when US and Australian forces…
Culture defeat
Could somebody please disband the miserable committees whose ‘job’ it is to select the so-called ‘Australian of the Year’? No…
Culture defeat
Could somebody please disband the miserable committees whose ‘job’ it is to select the so-called ‘Australian of the Year’? No…
Malcolm in the Middle (East)
‘The destruction of Isil requires a military solution – it requires boots on the ground. But they must be the…
Turnbull’s test
One of John Howard’s greatest strengths (among the very many) was his ability to hold together the various fragments (we…
Turnbull’s test
One of John Howard’s greatest strengths (among the very many) was his ability to hold together the various fragments (we…
At this time of year, during the so-called ‘silly season’, it’s normally desperate journos who have to concoct preposterous stories…
Sweet 2016
There is much to look forward to, and indeed much to be grateful for, as we embark upon the adventure…
Sweet 2016
There is much to look forward to, and indeed much to be grateful for, as we embark upon the adventure…
Yes, Virginia
Virginia, your little conservative friends are wrong. They have been affected by the scepticism of a sceptical age. They do…
Yes, Virginia
Virginia, your little conservative friends are wrong. They have been affected by the scepticism of a sceptical age. They do…
Mission Innovation
A warm, fuzzy pat on the back for Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull, who went to Paris and – thus far…
Mission Innovation
A warm, fuzzy pat on the back for Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull, who went to Paris and – thus far…
Yellow label
The United Nations’ corporate hatred of the nation of Israel and the Jewish people is clear from the ever-growing list…
Yellow label
The United Nations’ corporate hatred of the nation of Israel and the Jewish people is clear from the ever-growing list…
What to do?
First, let’s list the obscenities, of which there have been so many (not including, of course, the Parisian atrocities themselves).…
What to do?
First, let’s list the obscenities, of which there have been so many (not including, of course, the Parisian atrocities themselves).…
Here we go again. Almost twenty years after it almost brought down John Howard in the 1998 election, the Great…
Here we go again. Almost twenty years after it almost brought down John Howard in the 1998 election, the Great…
Unforced assimilation
Finally, it would appear, we are beginning an honest conversation about the assimilation of Islamic cultures into mainstream Australia. This…
Unforced assimilation
Finally, it would appear, we are beginning an honest conversation about the assimilation of Islamic cultures into mainstream Australia. This…
Fine moments
What a shame that Tony Abbott and Malcolm Turnbull never found a way to work effectively together. Or to look…
Fine moments
What a shame that Tony Abbott and Malcolm Turnbull never found a way to work effectively together. Or to look…