Comment on Brexit means sovereignty by Rob2000
…and here come the well thought out and reasoned counter arguments. Well done. Have a gold star. Got something to…
Comment on Brexit means sovereignty by Rob2000
Except of course this discussion is about sticking to the rules on leaving the club, whilst still in the club…
Comment on Zero tolerance, zero sanity by MikeF
In other words the CPS and BTP were not acting on the basis of a misdirected but well-intentioned zeal but…
Comment on Brexit means sovereignty by Rob2000
The UK Parliament is both the House of Commons and the House of Lords and of course, the Sovereign. The…
Comment on Brexit means sovereignty by Graham
I didn’t say anything we like. I mean I do not see how the EU can force us to stick…
Comment on Brexit means sovereignty by Rob2000
Maybe the difference is that crops and livestock don’t tend to be migratory. Just a thought. Got something to add?…
A hero recalled
In these times it seems that heroes are acclaimed readily and easily. A single television appearance coupled with a politically…
A gentleman among players
I once played in something called the Writers’ World Cup. A lot of people in publishing (novelists, journalists, editors, agents)…
Thoroughly modern Buffy
Cards on the table. Before I’d published my first novel, or written for newspapers, or won awards for my writing,…
Heroes in error
In the first year or so of the Iraq occupation — or ‘big Army goatfuck’, as it is not quite…
The faceless man in the bowler hat
Surrealism was, at least initially, as much about writing as painting. A plaque on the Hotel des Grands Hommes in…
Getting away with murder
Cher Hughes loved the beauty, the white sand beaches and sun-kissed climate of the tropical islands of Bocas del Toro…
Playing at shepherdesses
Oh, the longueurs of aristocratic Georgian leisure. What on earth did they do all day, with no domestic chores, no…
Glimpses of beauty
Born in Michigan, raised in Lagos and educated in London and New York, Teju Cole is about as cosmopolitan as…
You can run but you can’t hide
In The Circle, Dave Eggers’s satirical dystopia about an insatiable Google-like conglomerate, there’s a scene in which drones hound a…
The Teutonic King Arthur
Hitler, ever seeking to emulate strong German hero types (especially if their Christian name was Frederick), unsurprisingly named his great…
A five-ring fiasco
The ambitions of the founding father of the modern Olympic Games, the Frenchman Baron Pierre de Coubertin — that they…
Rich in legend and song
There is an immediate problem for anyone producing a guide to places in Scotland with literary connections: as Walter Scott…
Maryland’s mean streets
Quick tip, should you ever find yourself alone in the interview room at the police headquarters of Prince George’s County,…
‘I wish you were never born’
All parents worry about the extent to which their children will expose their private weirdness to the world. They tell…
Paean to the Starman
On 11 January 2016 Paul Morley was awoken by an urgent voicemail from the Today Programme. Could he talk about…
Smashing stuff
‘Joe lay in bed in his mother’s house. He thought about committing suicide. Such thinking was like a metronome for…
Nothing new under the sun
Rupert Sheldrake had it coming. In A New Science of Life (1981), he argued that animals and plants have inherited…
The gospel truth
More brides in Britain go down the aisle to Gloria Gaynor’s ‘I Will Survive’ than to any other tune, Simon…
Slaying sacred cows
It is a measure of Andrew Bolt’s ignominy that it takes a certain courage simply to walk into Dymock’s and…