Australian Notes
Australian notes
I’ve just returned from my fifth trip to Israel in the last decade. It prompted me to recall a conversation…
Australian notes
Malcolm the Fission Fiasco I don’t agree with all those many right-of-centre commentators who think the current Prime Minister, Mr…
Australian notes
In her defence of her wretched Human Rights Commission, Gillian Triggs boasted that the Commission has been processing some 22,000…
Australian notes
In her defence of her wretched Human Rights Commission, Gillian Triggs boasted that the Commission has been processing some 22,000…
Conservative Notes
You’d be hard pressed to be overly optimistic about the state of conservative politics in the developed English-speaking world right…
QC notes
Brandis is right, gleeson is wrong Normally, I would not get involved in disputes concerning politicians, as they should be…
Australian notes
Brexit, abbott, latham and team turnbull I just learned a fascinating fact. Apparently the voters in Britain actually voted to…
Australian notes
Creativity versus identity News flash: At least two young, female, ‘non-white’ aspiring writers did not like Lionel Shriver’s opening address…
Australian notes
On Quadrant I organised a small fund-raiser to help Quadrant after the Literature Board cut off its grant without explanation…
Australian notes
Turnbull’s betrayal on 18c Okay, let’s stop pretending that the Liberal Party has a deep commitment to free speech. We’re…
Shorten’s Leyland P76 reshuffle
Last week, Malcolm Turnbull missed his best opportunity to put a Coalition A-team on the ministerial paddock ahead of a…
Resistance to Acknowledging Country is futile
As another bleak winter NAIDOC Week draws to a close, let us reflect on the strange ritual that is the…
Australian notes
Some readers may be wondering what it’s like to vote Labor for the first time. Okay, by ‘vote Labor’ I…
Australian notes
Brexit, 1381 ad, and Turnbull’s election Well, the Brits did it. They defied the warnings and threats from ‘I got…
Australian notes
Brexit, Del-cons and Trumpkins Later this week it begins. The voters will have their say. First it will happen in…
Australian notes
The pundits keep telling us that this is a dull election. But imagine what it would be like without the…
Australian notes
I love Malcolm, but where is he when you need him? ‘This isn’t the Malcolm Turnbull Australians thought they…
Australian notes
I dropped in the other day to the Sydney Writers’ Festival to hear Stan Grant deliver his autobiographical and sometimes…
Australian notes
I dropped in the other day to the Sydney Writers’ Festival to hear Stan Grant deliver his autobiographical and sometimes…
Australian notes
Irony of ironies: Abbott to save Turnbull? Putting Malcolm Turnbull in the Lodge has not worked out as the conspirators…
Australian notes
Same sex marriage? just give me Democracy There are few conceivable contexts whereby one could say ‘I believe in democracy’…
Australian notes
The New Atheists – clever, uncompromising, polite – seized the initiative only a few years ago, at least in publishing.…
Australian notes
The New Atheists – clever, uncompromising, polite – seized the initiative only a few years ago, at least in publishing.…
Australian notes
In an occasional self-deprecatory moment the late Sir John Kerr liked to tell the story of his visit to London…
Australian notes
In an occasional self-deprecatory moment the late Sir John Kerr liked to tell the story of his visit to London…