Australian Notes
Australian notes
There were no milling TV crews or reporters at Peter Costello’s launch last week in Melbourne of the new edition…
Australian notes
There were no milling TV crews or reporters at Peter Costello’s launch last week in Melbourne of the new edition…
Australian notes
Quos deus vult perdere, prius dementat – with apologies to Boswell. (‘Whom the gods would destroy, they first make mad.’)…
Australian notes
Quos deus vult perdere, prius dementat – with apologies to Boswell. (‘Whom the gods would destroy, they first make mad.’)…
Australian notes
The remarkable thing about Tony Abbott’s speech to the National Press Club was how unremarkable it was. There were no…
Australian notes
The remarkable thing about Tony Abbott’s speech to the National Press Club was how unremarkable it was. There were no…
Australian notes
The Queen has conferred knighthoods on the Americans Bill Gates and Norman Schwarzkopf. She appointed South Africa’s Nelson Mandela to…
Australian notes
The Queen has conferred knighthoods on the Americans Bill Gates and Norman Schwarzkopf. She appointed South Africa’s Nelson Mandela to…
Australian notes
Baffling that so many observers had so much trouble interpreting the recent Charlie Hebdo cover on which Mohammed is depicted…
Australian notes
Baffling that so many observers had so much trouble interpreting the recent Charlie Hebdo cover on which Mohammed is depicted…
Australian notes
It must have been one of the last cartoons he drew before he was murdered. The editor of Charlie Hebdo…
Australian notes
It must have been one of the last cartoons he drew before he was murdered. The editor of Charlie Hebdo…
Australian notes
If only Tony Abbott could bring the conviction and even eloquence he demonstrated in Baghdad to bear on the Budget…
Australian notes
If only Tony Abbott could bring the conviction and even eloquence he demonstrated in Baghdad to bear on the Budget…
Australian notes
It’s worth repeating. A British Prime Minister (the Earl of Derby) to Queen Victoria: ‘The definition of an Independent Member…
Australian notes
It’s worth repeating. A British Prime Minister (the Earl of Derby) to Queen Victoria: ‘The definition of an Independent Member…
Australian notes
The ABC’s Australian Story (‘Just Call Me Bob’) about the former Prime Minister Robert James Lee Hawke touched on many…
Australian notes
The ABC’s Australian Story (‘Just Call Me Bob’) about the former Prime Minister Robert James Lee Hawke touched on many…
Australian Notes
Right and proper that generous tributes are paid at a memorial service, even if sometimes undeserved or exaggerated. But what…
Australian Notes
Right and proper that generous tributes are paid at a memorial service, even if sometimes undeserved or exaggerated. But what…
CO2 notes
This year the world will enjoy its greatest grain crop on record. Let me say that again. This year the…
CO2 notes
This year the world will enjoy its greatest grain crop on record. Let me say that again. This year the…
South African notes
“Cape Town is a lot like Sydney,” an ex-pat yarpie had assured me. But as I’m driven through the township…
Australian notes
Among Gough Whitlam’s greatest moments were his acceptance both of his Dismissal in November 1975 and of his overwhelming rejection…
Australian notes
Among Gough Whitlam’s greatest moments were his acceptance both of his Dismissal in November 1975 and of his overwhelming rejection…