In-depth analysis of the day’s news, plus stories and gossip from Australian politics.
The Shinkansen to Hiroshima: a Covid-Haunted world
When Michael Jackson famously started wearing face masks, many took it as evidence that the great man had succumbed to…
Good on the Nationals
An obsession with race politics is a dangerous direction for any nation to take. Enshrining racial discrimination and supremacy into…
Albo’s big night out
Not even Menzies looked this good in a penguin suit, Anthony Albanese thought to himself as he stood before the…
We need more male authors
Just as there are certain social and developmental proclivities that distinguish men and women generally, there are some subtle differences…
Power for power’s sake
Unlike the German playwright Bertolt Brecht, who wrote that the East German government – unhappy with the election result –…
Local government needs to wake up from Woke
The increasingly pervasive Woke activist agenda has escaped its confines in university and academia, and hit the mainstream. We have…
Hakuna Matata? Sacked for being white
A sign-language interpreter performing in a Broadway production of The Lion King has allegedly been fired for being white. Keith Wann, 53,…
Yes, Australia has a problem with live birth data
The fact-checkers at the ABC jumped to the government’s rescue when I asked a few pointed questions about the reported decline in birth rates…
Dan enters the pantheon of ‘great’ leaders
Now the hurley burley’s done, and Dan Andrews is in the pantheon of the state’s great leaders, it’s time to…
Govern me harder, Daddy
The outcome of the Victorian election can perhaps be explained in one sentence: it’s better to believe the fairy tale…
Dying on their knees
Remember these two analogies. First one. At the start of the pandemic hysteria in Florida, the uncritical press had petrified…
Gender quotas are never the solution
‘To be judged on the content of our character and not the colour of our skin’ – that was one of…
The Victorian Liberals are totally…
Didn’t I tell you three months ago? If the Liberal party around Australia is buggered, in Victoria, it is totally…
Victoria: the trauma bond is real
On Saturday night, I was sitting in an auditorium with about 13,000 other fellow ‘cookers’*. We were in attendance listening…
Danistan reborn
Well, Victorians better get ready for their dear leader to immortalise himself in bronze. Once a Premier has served (ruled?)…
Pull up! Pull up!
The test pilot was the fourth to try and figure out why the new plane kept crashing. The previous three…
Fan-baiting: the toxic culture of Hollywood progressives
Bros is a gay romcom written by and starring Billy Eichner. The critics, we are told, love it. If you…
The Leftism I used to know
I need to confess my deepest, darkest secret. Back when I was a political amateur, not knowing any better, I…
Woolworths: let’s go Bradford!
I was heartened to hear of Woolworths volte-face concerning its despicable vaccine mandate policy. Nevertheless, despite the passage of time…
Jordan Peterson: conservatism’s spiritual leader?
Canadian political commentator and best-selling author Jordan Peterson – best known for helping young men put their lives back together…
Keep your vote out of the swamp. Victorians, read this before Saturday!
There’s a party running in the Victorian Election tomorrow that goes by the name of ‘Sack Dan Andrews – Restore…
Lacking a spine? Vic Libs and the Renee Heath controversy
The state of Victoria has served up yet another watershed moment in the decline of freedom of association. Back in…
The permanent revolution or a conservative renaissance?
Whatever the result of this Saturday’s Victorian election, one thing is for sure: there will be no conservative renaissance south…
Ignore the French, the next war requires nuclear subs
Do armchair warriors really believe our submariners should fight in obsolete diesel-electric submarines in defence of our nation? Making the performative…
Victoria: divide and conquer
The Victorian Premier leads by diversion, distraction, and division. He doesn’t answer journalists’ questions – diverting their attention to another…