In-depth analysis of the day’s news, plus stories and gossip from Australian politics.
The real hippies are with Joe Rogan
I have been trying to avoid writing about Joe Rogan since everyone has a take on the old hippy rockers vs…
Will the Religious Discrimination Bill see the light of day?
The 2022 Australian federal election must be held on or before May 21, 2022 to elect members of the 47th…
Australia is already a republic – leave it alone
The great English philosopher, John Locke, wrote a revolutionary book called Two Treatises of Government. It was most surely revolutionary. First published…
Did Citipointe prove there’s no ‘freedom of religion’?
This week, Citipointe Christian College was the centre of a mini publicity maelstrom. The Brisbane Christian school first released –…
When teachers become hate preachers
This month marks 20 years since a grand jury indicted John Walker Lindh after his November 2001 capture in Afghanistan.…
How do we fix ‘stupid’?
It took centuries of history – wars fought, won, and lost – to bring together the world’s greatest philosophers and…
Can Big Tech remain as the arbiter of politics?
Increasingly, climate change is coming to dominate energy supply and indeed the whole economy. Modest changes to the climate are…
‘Whoopsi’ Goldberg’s learning curve
‘I stand corrected,’ said Whoopi Goldberg, the day after she was advised that the Holocaust was indeed a racist slaughter.…
Midwifery language dehumanising women
A soon-to-be-released collaborative research paper led by a Sydney academic suggests that ‘de-sexing’ language around female reproduction could have ‘consequences…
$777.8 million wasted by NSW Health
The people of New South Wales will remember when Health Minister Brad Hazzard floated the idea of making the unvaccinated…
Did Scott Morrison throw freedom of religion under the bus?
A Christian school valiantly tries to uphold the Christian (and scientific) view of gender. It attempts to defend the Christian…
Australian Conservatism: comfortable, relaxed and in mortal danger
A quarter of a century ago, John Howard said he wanted Australians to be comfortable and relaxed about their history,…
I want my Australia back
Happy Australia Day! (Well, it was.) The day brought me mixed feelings of pride and shame, but not in the…
Hellish roasting for Citipointe College
A Christian school catering for Christian families who value Christian education affirmed its commitment to Christianity this week, and all…
Newspeak and rewriting history
As our captured two-party system embeds robotic politicians in the parliaments, their language is drying up and becoming highly formulaic.…
White dwarfs
‘White dwarfs’. These two words could get me cancelled. Maybe I should have written about panchromatic ex-Solar System height-challenged exhausted…
How do I vote for the ‘Barty Party’?
In the contrasts between Ash Barty and Nick Kyrgios we see a little of the divisions that rend modern Australian…
A straw man defence of Dark Emu
Recently in a comment thread, a Spectator Australia reader took me to task for claiming in the promotion for my…
The road to freedom
Truckies have become a symbol of freedom for Canadians living under Justin Trudeau’s increasingly despotic medical state. 50,000 trucks –…
Australia is in love with Ash Barty
Everyone in Australia is in love with Ash Barty, and for good reason. That young lady has just won the…
The plot against natural immunity
Natural immunity is a long-held reality of the human body. Ever since disease came into this world, humans have battled…
Snatching defeat from the jaws of victory
The moment Mr Morrison claimed on March 18, 2020 that Covid was a once-in-100-year pandemic, an opportunity opened up for…
We are all socialists now, but weren’t we always?
Before the 2007 federal election I posited that ‘Australians are all conservatives now’ (The Australian, 20 April). It argued that thanks…
The way democracy should be
In the last two years the people of Australia, like most citizens of free and open democracies, have seen their…
The naughty underground non-compliers
You wouldn’t know it but there are thousands of naughty non-complying Victorians enjoying access to their taxpayer-funded amenities and venues.…