In-depth analysis of the day’s news, plus stories and gossip from Australian politics.
Envy: the deadly sin of radical politics
I’m not so sure about money. Since the start of the twentieth century envy has been the source of all…
Remembering the Hungarian Uprising, 65 years on
The world gasped 65 years ago this week as Hungarian protesters were mowed down by the secret police, starting a revolution that…
EXCLUSIVE Assistant Attorney General: Daniel Andrews pandemic bill must not pass
The end of the pandemic is in sight. After two years of lockdowns, border closures, curfews and mask mandates, Australians…
Daniel Andrews, all-powerful Zeus?
When justifying the most recent hard Victorian lockdown that started on August 6, 2021, Premier Dan Andrews told the enquiring media pack…
How Canberra can open the borders of the corona crazed states
It seems as if the latest in-house polls have told Daniel Andrews that he is going to lose. With losing…
Woke corporates divide us
Last week, as our papers filled with greenwash and Scott Morrison worked on the betrayal of his “quiet Australians” ahead…
Farewell ScoMo, hello crippling costs of climate fantasy
Scott Morrison is heading off to lead Australia’s team at the Glasgow climate change meeting. He goes with a formula…
In digital ID we trust?
Earlier this month, the Minister for Employment, Workforce, Skills, Small and Family Business, Stuart Robert, released an exposure draft of…
The faux feminism of the orgasm gap
Feminists use ‘The Orgasm Gap’ as an excuse to dump on men. For those of you who may not know…
Climate and Covid: the fact checks we had to have
There is no relationship between lockdowns and virus control (eg, 35 studies reported in December 2020, in American Institute for Economic…
Now it really is Dictator Dan
Let’s be clear. Daniel Andrews needs more power. If the Victorian dictator had only been given proper dictatorial powers —…
Liberty is a mental illness?
Academics are always lauding their moral superiority over us, but how often do we inspect what they think? They are the…
Blah, blah, blah – and then you’re broke
Your correspondent is now a climate commentator. Self-identifying is accepted methodology. If you were even half sensible you would stop reading now to go and read Numbers Don’t Lie:…
Dateline Glasgow: how did we get here?
Sitting in an international meeting, one soon become aware that buzzwords and phrases are thrown around in an attempt to convince others…
Is high inflation back?
Inflation is clearly on the rise worldwide, running at over 5 per cent in the United States and over 3…
Governments and gambling: heads I win, tails you lose
Gambling and games of chance are a curse, even if to some small degree they are necessary. Gambling impoverishes families;…
The Coalition’s climate stand: just like pissing in a wetsuit
Let’s just keep things nice and simple. Now we have the (lack of) details we can safely declare that the…
We’ll only be free when we’re back to the Old Normal
There’s been a lot of talk of “Freedom Days” lately, with New South Wales and Victoria emerging from their prolonged,…
The illusion of choice
For much of the last year, there has been a notion of ‘choice’ spread throughout society when discussing the COVID-19 vaccine. The…
Road to damnation 2050
I know how Net Zero 2050 ends. I’ve read the book. In Chris Brook’s excellent if devastating Road to Damnation*,…
Daniel Andrews is sinking in a swamp of sleaze
Victorians are contemptuous of the Daniel Andrews-led government which has done so much harm to so many over an extended…
ScoMo, net-zero, that deal – and the death of the Nationals?
Like MPs from other political parties, the Nationals are motivated by self-interest with rare infusions of the public interest represented…
How many other doctors believe vaccine recalcitrants should be barred from the public health?
Should we really be surprised when a leading doctor suggests unvaccinated people with Covid-19 should not receive medical treatment? The…
If we’re at 70 per cent can we now end the pandemic of premiers’ press conferences?
We have endured countless days and weeks of lockdowns, lockups, mask mandates, border closures and border openings. We have weathered…
What do Mercedes’ moves mean for the future of motoring
Why would the giant German auto manufacturer Daimler Benz purposefully set out to trash its own brand? There must be something startling happening…