In-depth analysis of the day’s news, plus stories and gossip from Australian politics.
Covid-free and painfully satirical
In 1951, British futurist Arthur C Clarke wrote a short story envisaging a journey into space which evolved into the…
The Liberal party never learns
‘Never make the same mistake twice.’ It is a mantra that applies to everyday life, but even more so to…
Are companies sack-happy over vaccination status?
The Australian HR Institute is not an organisation we hear much from, and it certainly isn’t offering any competition to…
Sydney Drive host Richard Glover enrages listeners
ABC radio host Richard Glover has enraged listeners by committing the unforgivable sin – taking Christianity seriously. The host of…
A tale of two rallies: freedom vs teachers
I’m not a person who has ever attended rallies or protests. Over the years, the most interest I could muster…
Will the US welcome a new president in 2022?
Over a year ago, I wrote that no Democrat voted ‘for Biden’ – they voted ‘for anyone but Trump’. Only…
Major parties 2: Democracy 0
The Liberal Party has won a ruling from the Australian Electoral Commission to force the increasingly popular minor party, the…
What about faith? A Christmas letter to the Prime Minister
It is encouraging to hear that our Prime Minister has resolved to protect the expression of honestly held religious beliefs…
Comparing Pearl Harbor and the Darwin Raids 80 years on
Pearl Harbor is often compared to the Darwin attack but the similarities are very few. Although both were ‘surprise’ initial…
Josh Frydenberg: the man who would be king
He’s the man who would be king, but Josh Frydenberg originally wanted to be a tennis pro rather than a…
‘Not an organ donor anymore’ trends after vaccine mandate
#NotAnOrganDonorAnymore has been trending on social media for the last few days after Australians began taking themselves off the organ…
The electric highway – a ‘fuelish’ policy
Scott Morrison has had another green brainwave – spend a zillion dollars to build Australia’s electric/hydrogen highway. Naturally, this ‘Fuelish…
Inside Canberra they’re riding the Greens Machine
It was Labor’s Shadow Defence Minister, Kimberley Kitching, who spilled the beans by forcefully declaring that Labor should not do…
Canberra’s cultural change and the Jenkins looking glass
The 2021 federal parliamentary sitting year has been plagued and book-ended by allegations of poor behaviour. It started with Brittney…
Defending Australia from itself
World War I saw a significant tactical blunder by the Commonwealth countries in regards to Gallipoli where 480,000 allied forces…
Religious Discrimination Bill unleashes hell in the ABC
It’s only a matter of time before journalists at the ABC claim religious freedom is a threat to koalas. The…
Is the ALP ‘powering the future’?
With the collapse of the Soviet bloc came a disenchantment with socialist planning as an alternative to market capitalism. Environmentalism,…
How do you make a submarine?
How do you make a submarine? You are going to need a lot of toolmakers… The difficulty Australia has is…
Senior Constable seeks urgent injunction on vaccine mandate
In Western Australia, like other jurisdictions, police officers were required to have their first Covid vaccine dose by December 1…
The great purge rolls on
‘Like Fresh Meat: Detailing Rampant Sex Harassment in Australia’s Parliament.’ This was the lurid headline in the New York Times…
Last drinks for the Canberra bubble
It’s ironic that a federal minister should again promote alcoholic abstinence as a cure for whatever allegedly ails (or should…
Norway wishes you a Merry Wokemas
Not even Father Christmas is off limits to the unoriginal, hypocritical Woke mob. Last week the virtue signalling Norwegian postal…
Morrison wades blindly into the Solomon Islands
Civil chaos in the Solomon Islands has created an intricate geopolitical problem for Scott Morrison. Anti-government protests turned violent last…
Did we learn anything from 2021?
The last two years have been packed with chaos. Politicians have gone mad with power. Division has run rife throughout…
Vale Christian Kerr
It is with profound sadness that I must inform the family of Spectator Australia writers, readers and fans of the…