In-depth analysis of the day’s news, plus stories and gossip from Australian politics.
What’s it like to have coronavirus? I am a labrador
When I was in my twenties, a quiz went around asking what type of dog you were. Without even seeing…
Memo Mark McGowan: the Corruption and Crime Commission chief’s position is untenable
In theory, the rule of law guarantees that every person is treated equally before the law. That important doctrine is…
Our budget has caught a bad case of coronavirus
There has been much written and spoken about the Morrison Government’s legislated “tax cuts” and Labor’s decision to not oppose…
The Oldest Culture: Epilogue
The final in a series of articles examining Dark Emu-style claims. This is the last of a series of articles…
The inner-city latte drinker set that inner-city latte drinkers claim does not exist
There’s a nasty little tale called The Outsider by the twentieth century horror writer, H. P. Lovecraft, where an unworldly beast…
Is it freedom versus vaccines?
For those who believe both in the freedom and dignity of the individual and also understand the science around virus…
We cannot recover from the coronavirus crisis without the dignity of work
I watched coverage of the freedom protests with sadness and couldn’t help but think it was inappropriate to hold such…
Coronavirus: time for Plan D?
I think it’s time for plan D. Plan A, as I’m sure you remember, was to “flatten the curve”. For…
Are the states pushing the constitutional limits of their ‘police powers’?
Let’s be clear. The essence of our federal system as it applies to the ordinary citizen is that we are…
Can Do can – but at Amanda Stoker’s expense
My esteemed colleague Terry Barnes, here in the ethereal pages of the Speccie Australia, this morning wrote a ‘Double Shot’ briefing piece…
When are we going to get out of this mess?
When are we going to get out of this mess? When are all of these lockdowns, mask mandates, on-again, off-again…
The fading case for vaccine passports
Last week, Chief Medical Officer Brendan Murphy said the current surge in NSW infections is due to the Delta variant,…
Illegal tobacco syndicates are a problem Australia and Asia doesn’t need
Recently, the joint Australia-ASEAN Taskforce on Illicit Tobacco seized over 19 million illegal cigarettes bound for our Indo-Pacific region. The…
Campbell Newman: can Can Do do it?
Let’s open with a trivia question: which Royal Military College Duntroon colleague did Campbell Newman act as best man to? The…
One continent, eight nations
The British rugby fans have their Six Nations. Well, we now have eight nations, if you count our beloved territories. …
What’s woke this week?
Welcome to wacky Wokeworld where whistling the theme from Bob the Builder is considered a ‘non-crime hate incident’, where insect…
Protests? Whatever for?
Our political class cannot comprehend why people who have been locked in their homes for the better part of two…
The elite’s death wish and the Wuhan lab leak
Mao Zedong, the founder of Communist China, was a committed Marxist who supported the adaptation of such a Western ideology by…
Robot Waleed’s ‘moral burden’ as he dances in The Minefield
ABC Radio National’s The Minefield claims to ‘unpack‘ the moral and ethical issues of our time. Sadly the show fails to unpack…
The People’s Republic of Westralia: where nut jobs rule
The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of Curtin…
Apologies to journalists, but some of us are just clueless
Imprisoned Saudi writer Raif bin Muhammad Badawi was on my mind this week, as he often is when questions of free speech…
The Great Barrier Reef extortion racket
The Australian Institute of Marine Science has just revealed that Great Barrier Reef coral coverage has recovered to be as good as,…
Is the Kids Helpline helpful – or just a sign of our malaise?
The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of Curtin…
Bezos’s bell-end: a postscript
When he was back on the ground after his – ahem – epic space flight of all of ten minutes, Amazon founder Jeff…
Covidanity: Australia’s new state religion
A key to understanding our current predicament is the extent to which Covid has come to resemble a religion. Covidanity,…