In-depth analysis of the day’s news, plus stories and gossip from Australian politics.
Who loves the WHO?
What are the odds of the WHO investigators discovering the actual origins of the Covid-19 virus? Even if the investigation team had been there a year ago, when the pandemic was just…
James Packer’s slipped Crown: a victim of sleaze – and snobbery
Melbourne legend tells that days before Crown Casino opened senior police visited the next largest gambling place in town, a…
Net zero jobs by 2050?
Australian farmers will hardly sleep easy with the assurance of the President of the Australian Council of Trade Unions Michele O’Neil that…
Albo almost gets it right while Bowen blows hard
Labor Leader Anthony Albanese has told The Australian: A government I lead will always respect the central importance of successful…
Eddie McGuire: only a fool feeds the woke beast and thinks it will not devour him
Collingwood Football Club President Eddie McGuire played the woke game for years but he could not outrun it. Yesterday he…
Putting the Voice in the Constitution: a dangerous move
Recently, The Australian has run a series of articles, six at least, pushing the idea of the Indigenous Voice to Parliament. …
EXCLUSIVE: Church set to defy Daniel Andrews’ conversion laws
The Presbyterian Church of Australia stands poised to defy Daniel Andrews controversial ‘Change or Suppression Practices Bill’, passed last week. As…
Capitol Hill: call that a coup?
To understand how far short the Capitol Hill riot falls of any serious standard for insurrection one only needs to…
The UN decrees ‘There’s no wrong way to be a woman”
It’s not for nothing that the United Nations entity for women is called UN Women. They do, after all, spend…
Using political logic, quarantines, border closures and lockdowns may never end
The recent knee-jerk lockdown has sparked more discussion about the ‘value’ of a human life. Yes, it may sound callous to put a price on life; yet we…
If business is paying back JobKeeper windfalls, what about the bureaucrats and their bonuses?
JobKeeper. JobSeeker. Job destroyer. Well, the mob has spoken. Those businesses who legally and correctly accessed the Job keeper scheme,…
Why we must fix the feral Tax Office
When underhand, commercial bullying happens in the private sector, there is righteous community uproar. Regulators investigate. Even Royal Commissions can…
Wokespeak: a pocket guide
With the ascendency of Joe Biden and the rise of Leftism around the Western world, it is vital that every…
Introducing a wonderful new news service, Google Boring
While the federal government makes threatening noises at Google and Facebook, egged on by legacy media outlets in what will…
Mark McGowan versus the world
It’s been an eventful week in Western Australia. When I say ‘eventful, I don’t mean ‘fun’ eventful – I mean ‘what…
Yassmin plays dress-ups
When she’s not busy disrespecting our servicemen and women, flouncing around her grand residency in Paris courtesy of the Australia Council, or recounting her generous grant dollars, Yassmin Abdel-Magied (YAM) is…
A brief history of absolute nonsense
Robert W Welch Jr was, shall we say, an interesting bloke. You might think that a chap who made a…
If a picture says a thousand words…
This weekend shot says it all in just two: Albo’s rooted. We have never seen the leader of a major…
Forget Super Bowl Sunday, it’s hyperbole month in Washington
“Like Lincoln, Biden comes to power at a time when a country is torn between conflicting visions of reality and…
Who remembers what happened last month?
Precisely one month ago today a truly extraordinary, appalling event occurred. Astonishingly, it seems few people can instantly bring to…
In defence of offence
It might be time to say something in defence of offence. In recent weeks the views of Craig Kelly, Israel Folau and…
The virus made us do it
Let’s be honest. Mr Morrison and the Coalition right now are offering us all the sort of interventionist, huge spending,…
Why does Facebook ban conservatives, but give the Mad F–king Witches red carpet treatment?
If your politics are right of centre, you are constantly criticised for pushing “conspiracy theories”. If you try to assert…
Our universities don’t need more money, but instead a focus on the fundamentals
Covid-19 has forced Australian universities to face a harsh reality: the international students who pad their bank accounts aren’t coming…
No, a great koala national park won’t help koalas
The only accurate information in Newcastle University’s newly touted “independent assessment” of koala conservation is the disclaimer: “no responsibility or liability for any information,…