In-depth analysis of the day’s news, plus stories and gossip from Australian politics.
Now is maybe the time to start talking about God
Writer Helen Garner, talking about a difficult time in her life, described a feeling that there was a column of…
Closed borders are unconstitutional – no question
You can’t argue that there is still a national coronavirus emergency that provides an exemption to Section 92 of the…
Why the time has come for national security hospitals
Catastrophes are sadly a part of life. Many cannot be prevented, but can at least be better handled than is…
Eden Monaro: will coronavirus campaigning skew the result?
The 2007 federal election was held in the early days of social media. Many a time when John Howard visited…
Why not replace politicians with the ‘experts’?
Is it time to replace our elected politicians with non-elected experts? We have always voted representatives into public office. But…
Wolf Warriors or China’s whores?
The media has quickly adopted the romanticised term ‘wolf warriors’ for those who in reality should be termed China’s prostitutes.…
The most important issue of 2020: sexist kids water bottles
Coronavirus seems to reveal the best and worst of humanity. Most Australians have spent the last two months adjusting to…
No, Prime Minister. We don’t need to go back to the Accord
PM Scott Morrison echoed Menzies when he claimed the last Australian election for the “quiet Australians” – the C21 equivalent…
In the absence of overseas student cash cows…
In the absence of overseas student cash cows, the University of Tasmania is proud to offer you an entirely worthless…
Why is the Morrison Government leaving the back door open to a carbon tax?
As part of the ABC’s climate conspiracy agenda, Four Corners this week highlighted the “anger” at the government from the…
Money won’t fix mental health. Try honesty
When, oh blinking when, will those in power join the dots rather than thinking that throwing money at a problem…
Has Annastacia Palaszczuk closed the borders to keep out Bob Brown and his rabble?
Queensland Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk has come under pressure this week to explain the continuing closure of Queensland’s borders. The case…
What now? A five point plan for post pandemic prosperity
Australians in every state are waiting anxiously for lockdown restrictions to ease. Businesses stand poised to flip their signs to…
Behind Annastacia Palaszczuk’s border wars
The decision to close the Queensland border to protect citizens from the spread of coronavirus, like many other decisions the…
We are no longer alone staring down China
Insiders panellist and ABC host Raf Epstein observed last Sunday that it would have been better if Australia hadn’t chosen…
What about relief from the Student Services and Amenities Fee?
While Daniel Andrews hands out thousands of dollars to international students in Victoria, domestic students are left to foot the…
Revealed: the price we’ll pay for a wind-solar rich electricity system
Australian Energy Market Operator CEO, Audrey Zibelman, has foreshadowed the possibility of Australia reaching 75 per cent renewable energy in…
‘You have stolen my childhood!” Really?
Number seven in Craig Kelly’s series 20 reasons why the Wuhan Flu is the final nail in the climate alarmists’…
Beware the Curse of Clem?
Media Week, May 17, 2019: In the first birthday week of 10 Daily, the editor of the Network 10 digital…
What on earth is wrong with having a Christian in the Lodge?
From the moment Pentecostal church-going Scott Morrison became Prime Minister his Christian faith has been the subject of hot debate.…
Revealed: ABC climate activism exposed by IPA FOI requests
As reported by Chris Kenny in The Australian today, over 300 pages of Freedom of Information documents obtained by free-market…
EXCLUSIVE: Extinction Rebellion’s surprise new best friend? The Australian Industry Group
You all know the old line “The capitalists will sell us the rope we hang them with”. It’s attributed variously…
Sacking Alan Jones was never the end goal
Anyone who’s been paying attention to the foulest fringes of the culture wars knows that Alan Jones was never the…
The Heretic: inside Peter Ridd’s fight for freedom of speech on climate change
‘The Heretic: Inside Peter Ridd’s fight for freedom of speech on Climate Change’ is a new serialised documentary podcast by…
The Seinfeld climate change debate
Irony is a wonderful thing. One year ago, thousands of misguided schoolchildren around the world hit the streets campaigning for climate change action, but…