In-depth analysis of the day’s news, plus stories and gossip from Australian politics.
Spectator TV Australia: Aseem Malhotra on the future of medical integrity in the age of fear
Aseem Malhotra joins Speccie TV while on tour across Australia speaking about the importance of medical freedom and correcting the…
Double Shot Ep6: Ralph Schoellhammer on Germany’s green collapse
The largest economy in the European Union bloc has entered a recession driven by rising energy costs. Ralph Schoellhammer speaks…
Putting the ‘artificial’ in intelligence: the morality of the digital mind
Artificial intelligence is, well, artificial. And the use of ‘intelligence’ in this label is a misnomer. AI machines cannot think.…
From comrade to Dame in a New York minute
They say that a week is a long time in politics and indeed that seems to be truer now than…
Give us a fair go! Work, mass migration, housing, and the red tape disaster
The recently announced plan of the federal government to preference a new round of mass migration over those Australian pensioners,…
Viceregal foot-in-mouth disorder
There’s a desperate need, it seems, for an official Vice Regal Etiquette Manual. But not one about how we should…
Glory to Hong Kong
Recently someone – no name, no return address – sent me a white cotton T-shirt. On the front it said…
Does the work from home model have a future?
It is 8 am on a Monday morning in Sydney’s CBD. While in the grasp of winter, the cool air…
Trudeau’s nasty plan to fight fire with carbon taxes
Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau may not be a particularly moral creature, but he is smart. Having watched part of…
Woke-ers of the world unite!
My copy of Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn’s The Gulag Archipelago is falling apart. I bought it many years ago at a second-hand book store…
The groundhog day witch hunt of Trump
Trump has been indicted again, making this the second attempt in two months to politically damage the former President. Trump’s…
Vote Liberal? Vote ‘no’ for an Indigenous Voice to Parliament
Earlier this week, the Guardian published an article by former Liberal ACT Chief Minister Kate Carnell: Vote Liberal? You should vote ‘yes’…
Slowing down environmental craziness
Pressure to replace controllable and low-cost coal and gas with an intermittent and high-cost wind and solar alternative continues, but…
Germany’s economy is the virgin tossed into the volcano
In 2015, Chancellor Angela Merkel spread out her arms and welcomed the third-world to come and share in the riches…
Parents left in the dark by new-age learning
In the jargon and edubabble much loved by new-age, Woke educrats teachers no longer teach, instead they are described as…
The Bowen Basin pioneers: prospectors, squatters, drovers, and miners
Viv Forbes was part of a small team of geologists given the task of mapping the Bowen Basin over the…
We have done it before, let’s do it again
I have previously argued that the Australian economy is headed down a ‘steep hill to the creek of insolvency’. Something…
It’s the economy stupid! Albo is heading the way of Gough and Rudd
The Albanese government came to power promising lower electricity prices, lower inflation, and higher wages. One year on, we have…
‘Unity in diversity’ – why not here?
During his most recent sojourn in Indonesia, Prime Minister Albanese may have found time to notice that nation’s national slogan…
Balancing public health and human rights
The International Health Regulations (IHR) 2005, which finds its roots in the International Sanitary Conference 1851, is a legal instrument…
The myth of the environmentalist
Augusto Zimmerman recently gave us an excellent treatise on the history of the culture and politics of the environmental movement. I didn’t…
The elevation of women to male peaks
The crowd gathered in the open-air tourist bus were overwhelmed by the massive granite wall towering over us in the…
The Hydrogen rainbow, hope or hopeless?
The hydrogen balloon may be deflating for mining companies. Twiggy Forrest touts hydrogen as some kind of saviour for the…
A sham referendum?
In the oppressed world, ‘sham elections’ are held to reinforce loyalty to the ruling party. Despite the illusion of choice,…
The case for conservative comedy
Australia and the UK have a long, storied history of comedy. It has produced some great performers. However, one must…