

14 June 2014 8:00 am

The final match in the second division of Young Chelsea’s London Super League was as exciting as it gets. Two…


7 June 2014 9:00 am

Have you ever been told by an expert that a bid you’ve made is foolish, badly judged or plain wrong?…


31 May 2014 9:00 am

It is always exciting when a strong new team’s tournament enters the calendar, and the inaugural Balaton Invitational, held outside…


24 May 2014 9:00 am

There’s no point in soft-soaping it: however long you’ve been playing bridge, however well you think you play, if you’ve…


17 May 2014 9:00 am

The Schapiro Spring Foursomes, held in early May in Stratford-upon-Avon, is one of the great tournaments and this time it…


10 May 2014 9:00 am

The more I watch top-class players bid their hands, the more I abide by the philosophy: points, schmoints! Obviously, we…


3 May 2014 9:00 am

Somewhere highly intellectual I read that they were bringing back the Generation Game, recalling, in all their excruciating mundanity,  Brucie’s…


26 April 2014 9:00 am

It’s no coincidence that many card players excel at both bridge and poker. The poker legend Gus Hansen plays a…


19 April 2014 9:00 am

I have always been drawn to a bit of a rogue and I must admit I found the coughing German…


12 April 2014 9:00 am

The news that two German doctors have been found guilty of cheating at the world bridge championships in Bali last…


5 April 2014 9:00 am

Dallas to me was an Eighties TV series with huge shoulder pads until I arrived there to play the American…


29 March 2014 9:00 am

You’ve probably read about the English Bridge Union’s attempt to get bridge reclassified as a sport rather than a game…


22 March 2014 9:00 am

A number of young Israelis are taking the International bridge world by storm. All in their twenties, their achievements so…


15 March 2014 9:00 am

The Night of the Stars charity bridge event, held in West London a couple of weeks ago, was every bit…


8 March 2014 9:00 am

Now and then an event enters the annual bridge calendar and becomes an instant ‘must play’. TGRs Auction Pairs is…


1 March 2014 9:00 am

To any player with even the smallest sadistic streak, squeezing your opponents is hugely satisfying. But there’s something even more…


22 February 2014 9:00 am

Bridge players are a generous bunch — both with their expertise and their time. There are many charity events to…


15 February 2014 9:00 am

A couple of Sundays ago, in London, Zia Mahmood and Demetri Marchessini held the first ever ‘Goulash Individual’ tournament. ‘Goulash’…


8 February 2014 9:00 am

January ended for me with the annual Icelandic Bridge Festival in Reykjavik. There may be a better tournament but I…


1 February 2014 9:00 am

I always find it impossible to sleep when I’ve played poorly, and last night just one sleeping pill was never…


25 January 2014 9:00 am

2014 has started with a bang! The second weekend of January saw TGR’s fifth Auction Pairs in which 71 pairs…


18 January 2014 9:00 am

Do you ever watch the greats playing bridge? And if you do, are you sometimes baffled, because instead of playing…


11 January 2014 9:00 am

First up, HNY to one and all and especially my regular reader (no, not you mummy) John Hinde, who wrote…


4 January 2014 9:00 am

What is the purpose of bidding? It’s how partners describe their hands to each other in order to reach the…


14 December 2013 9:00 am

Autumn 2013 has been the single worst season of my bridge career. Actually, do I have a bridge career? Doesn’t…